( a ) to keep and maintain the Register ;
( b ) to approve or reject applications for registration under this Act or to approve any such application subject to such conditions or restrictions as it may deem fit to impose ;
( c ) to order the issuance of a written warning or reprimand , the imposition of a fine , suspension , cancellation , removal or reinstatement in accordance with Parts III and IV ;
( d ) to fix from time to time with the approval of the Minister the scale of fees to be charged by registered Engineers and Engineering consultancy practices for professional engineering services rendered ;
( e ) to hear and determine disputes relating to professional conduct or ethics of registered Persons or to appoint a committee or arbitrator or arbitrators to hear and determine such disputes ; ( ea ) to act as a stakeholder in a contract for professional engineering services , when requested ;
( eb ) to employ any person , as it deems necessary , to assist the Board in carrying out its functions , powers and duties subject to such terms and conditions as it may determine ;
( ec ) to provide facilities for the promotion of learning and education and to hold or cause to be held professional development programmes , including continuing professional development programmes , for registered Persons to further enhance their knowledge in the latest developments relating to that profession ;
( ed ) to appoint a committee consisting of persons to be determined by the Board : ( i ) to conduct professional assessment examinations for the purpose of admission as a Professional Engineer ; or
( ii ) to conduct professional competency examinations for the purpose of issuing a Practising Certificate to the Professional Engineer ;
( ee ) to appoint any person to represent the Board in any committee , panel or institution , where that person would subsequently make recommendations to the Board on all matters regarding the qualifying for admission to the profession ;
( ef ) to appoint a body consisting of members from the Board , Professional Engineers and other persons as may be determined by the Board to advise the Government and the public on matters relating to engineering education , including the certification of such programmes ;
( eg ) to cause examinations to be conducted by an institution recognised by the Board for the purpose of admission to the profession ;
( f ) to determine and regulate the conduct and ethics of the engineering profession ; and
( g ) generally , to do all such acts , matters and things as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act .