The other path is kramic . This is the Science of Akram . This is the Gnan of the Vitaraags ( the Fully Enlightened ones ; the Omniscient ; the Absolute Knowers ). There is no difference in the Knowledge of the two paths .
After this Gnan , you experience the Soul . What else is left for you to do ? All you need to do , is follow the aagnas of the Gnani Purush . These aagnas become your religion . These aagnas represent your penance . My aagnas are such that they never interfere or become restrictive in any matters related to the worldly life . Even though you live the worldly life , nothing of the worldly life will affect you . Such is the glory of the Science of Akram .
This extraordinary Science is such a wonder that it keeps you alert about your True Self from within . Even as one is involved in negative acts , he is warned from within immediately . Therefore , there is no need for you to do anything . The Science of this Gnan itself takes over all doership . All you have to do from now on is make a firm decision ( nischay ) that you want to follow Dadashri ’ s aagnas . These aagnas will protect you from influences of every kind . The warnings will come even in your sleep . Now what more do you need ?
Follow the path of my aagnas if you want to be liberated within one more lifetime .
The one who desires liberation does not need to be involved in doership . The one who wants moksha needs only Gnan and the Gnani ’ s aagnas . The one who wants to go to heaven , or desires worldly pleasures , needs doership .
There is no need for any penance or renunciation in the