Who Am I? Who Am I? | Page 73

64 WHO AM I ? gradual increase in this experience, until you reach Keval Gnan (Absolute State). Keval Gnan is the state of complete, full experience. Currently there is partial experience. EXPERIENCE EXISTS The moment you receive Gnan, the experience does not leave. How can it? The experience of that which I gave you, the Gnan, remains forever. The effects of your previous karma however, tend to cloud the experience. I cannot change that. That effect has to be endured. Questioner : We do not think of it as suffering anymore, Dada. Dadashri : That is a different matter. But the accounts are there nevertheless. Some have many accounts while some have a few. Some may have to suffer more. What does it matter? I have lifted you to the state of Pure Soul. You may experience mild suffocation because of your past karma. EXPERIENCE OF THE SELF, EXPERIENCE OF THE BODY When mental problems (aadhi), physical problems (vyaadhi) or external problems (oopadhi) do not bother you, then you know that your Gnan is real. If you lose your wallet with a lot of money in it, then you will experience some inner restlessness and at such time, if ‘You’ say from within, “This is vyavasthit,” you will be able to pacify ‘Chandulal’ (file number one). This inner experience is the experience of the Soul. If on the other hand ‘Chandulal’ is unable to remain calm and he loses his peace of mind, then that is the experience of the physical body (dehadhyas). Are you familiar with these two experiences? Questioner : Yes the bliss prevails. Such is the experience, Dada.