Whitonomics - Issue 1 Jan 2014 | Page 19

P.17 Implementing a sweeping austerity program that focuses on cutting entitlement spending, infrastructure investment and the reduction of the size of government is usually forced upon a country by its borrowers as a last resort, which is what we have seen occurring in Europe with Greece, Ireland and Spain. In rare circumstances, countries will proactively enforce specific concepts derived from an austerity programme. An intriguing example of this is the UK’s recent implementation of portions of an austerity plan to try to repel a more significant problem in the future. Austerity measures are, sometimes, even carried out through political backfire which is exemplified by the US budget sequesters. Although austerity has been the centre of dispute throughout the world when discussing economic uncertainty, one extremely Austerity is generally not desirable important lesson we must learn is that countries need to be able to It is not any government’s goal control the alluring distraction of to be cornered into this position; excessive government spending. In austerity programs are largely proportion, controlled government unpopular in the short term due spending could propel an economy to the fact that it can cease an long-term, but wasting money on individual’s entitlements or their programs that are unnecessary is employment because of necessary a definite faux-pas. A Thoughtful, job cuts. The reaction to these affordable and methodical measures is often loud and visible approach must be taken when through protests and riots (as we borrowing money and, if it is within saw in 2011 in London), and often a country’s means, will prevent time can weaken the existing future bouts of austerity. 2 3 4 5 6 Success with austerity? As previously discussed, the UK (one of the few developed countries to pro-actively implement any serious austerity measures) is seeing positive economic signs as reported by the Office of National Statistics, the CBI, amongst others. Certain reports also show the UK to have one of the highest projected economic growth rates in Europe. There is, therefore, some evidence that the short-term pain can be resolved with rewarding benefits in the long term. 1 crossword government and their hold on power. The question is, if a government finds itself in a position where they are forced to even consider such measures, can they work? It is highly unlikely that countries like Greece, Ireland and Spain could have continued to function prior to the austerity programs that were imposed. Even though there is still work to be done, each of these countries appears to have corned a corner and economic conditions have improved despite the implementations of austerity measures. Particularly, the cost of borrowing has reduced significantly indicating greater confidence in their ability to pay back their debt. Whitonomics As a result, more and more of the money collec ѕ