White Papers The New Generation of ETRM Systems | Page 7

The new generation of ETRM systems plications. Typically, Contigo’s enTrader is deployed within a broader application and data landscape. This landscape can include a variety of external systems like nominations & scheduling, finance and accounting, op- timization applications and communications. To ensure customers can effectively integrate enTrader into their business and technical infrastructures, Contigo take a multi-faceted approach: / p  roviding secure access to all functionality available through the user interface via a web services API, / S  eamless, out-of-the-box integration to Trayport Joule Direct, APX, N2EX and EPEX ETS using the Connect module. The Connect module cap- tures the raw data from the venue and then applies map- ping rules and enrichment to convert the raw trade into an enriched enTrader Trade. The enrichment process will determine the correct counterparties and agree- ment, determine the correct product, delivery dates and notional value and volume and will determine the correct trader and book. The Connect module is maintained by Contigo so it is always up to date. A ComTechAdvisory Whitepaper By providing this integration framework, Contigo is able to swiftly implement and set up its solution for users. Contigo has developed an overall set of architecture principles and adopted specific designs such as a time series data approach and modular architecture. This ability to configure and ‘plug in’ custom functionality en- ables its solution to be implemented rapidly with mini- mum disruption. These same features allow it to provide cost effective support and maintenance as well keeping costs and risks down for its users. The founders of Conti- go thought carefully about implementation and support when setting out to design their solutions coupled with their experiences with other commercial and indeed, be- spoke solutions. Their choice of technologies enables delivery in the cloud which, even if the customer settles on a traditional install, still helps the customer by pro- viding snapshots of upgrades and work in progress via the cloud and has helped it gain a reputation for ease of implementation in the marketplace. /  a  llowing other providers to “plug in” additional func- tionality allowing seamless extension to the base functionality, / a  number of other features including standard Excel import/export and document generation templates. © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2018, All Rights Reserved.