White Papers The New Generation of ETRM Systems | Page 8
The new generation of ETRM systems
A ComTechAdvisory Whitepaper
One key driver of any selection exercise will always be functional fit. Unless the solution meets
the functional needs of the buyer, it’s a non-starter. However, in procuring solutions, buyers also
need to consider other factors such as ease of implementation, cost of support, ease of making
upgrades to stay current with industry needs and software developer’s versions, as well as indus-
try regulations and the increased emphasis on controls. The best way to assess this is to look
at the architecture of the solution, including the underlying architectural and design principles
used by the vendor.
The Contigo approach is an example of how architec-
tural and design principles can influence all aspects
of a solution’s ability to deliver value without high
costs and without undue risks such as non-delivery
or sub-optimal use. In today’s more cost sensitive
markets, these are all key differentiators and buying
points for those selecting ETRM software.
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