White Papers Leveraging the cloud for improved performance | Page 8

Leveraging the Cloud for Improved Performance A ComTechAdvisory Whitepaper Global agricultural trading company This large multi-national firm was relying on their ac- counting systems (SAP) along with Excel spreadsheets to manage their wide-ranging business; an infrastruc- ture that required significant manual effort for commod- ity trade capture, shipments, settlements, and other ac- tivities. These systems didn’t provide adequate insight into any number of key metrics, such as counterparty risk exposures and risk reporting. The processes were unable to produce timely and accurate business report- ing, especially the vessel P&L and other physical and derivative P&L reports. Additionally, reconciliation of several custom-made Excel spreadsheets by different users was difficult and time consuming, and long report- ing cycles did not provide real-time information and in- hibited decision making. After a comprehensive search for a solution to address their complex needs, they selected and implemented Eka’s cloud-based CTRM solution for their agriculture commodity trading and risk management. Once fully implemented, the company was able to manage and optimize their entire commodities value chain including trade capture, logistics, invoicing, and settlement. With seamless integration with SAP, invoices and pay state- ments, EOD results and counterparty master data is now automatically posted from Eka to SAP, resulting in accelerated cash flows, lower costs and greater insights into counterparty credit exposures. Additionally, with improved decision-making via real-time scenario and intelligence capabilities the company has been able to provide their deal-makers and staff with the market insights necessary to excel in an increasingly complex marketplace. SUMMARY It has taken some time for the commodity trading and commodity management markets to fully embrace the benefits of cloud delivered solutions and overcome lingering cybersecurity concerns. Though traditional on-premises installations will continue, it’s increasing- ly clear that cloud delivered CTRM/CM solutions will dominate the market in the coming years as more ven- dors make the necessary investments to enable their solutions to run effectively in a could environment. For agricultural-centric businesses, the recent avail- ability of cloud delivered solutions provides them the opportunity to take advantage of lower deployment costs, increased scalability, improved security and on-demand advanced analytics. Those companies that have selected these systems, like Eka Trading and Risk Management, now have the ability to lever- age the many advantages of the cloud, without sacri- ficing the sophisticated capabilities they need to man- age their complex and wide-ranging businesses.