White Papers Leveraging the cloud for improved performance | Page 7

Leveraging the Cloud for Improved Performance A ComTechAdvisory Whitepaper EKA IN THE CLOUD Eka has a long and successful track record in servicing the agricultural markets around the globe. Eka’s customers across a wide range of geographies and commodities have not only lev- eraged the advantages of the cloud, but have improved their financial performance via increased operational visibility, access to real-time data, advanced analytics, and enterprise-wide transpar- ency across the scope of their businesses. Delivered in the cloud (or in a traditional on-premise model), Eka’s CTRM solution captures, analyzes, and manages physical trading, procurement, logistics, bulk handling, processing, risk, and compliance across softs, grains, feeds, edible oils, oilseeds, livestock, and other agriculture-based businesses. The CTRM software solution, relied upon by four of the top five global agriculture companies, also optimizes decision-making by providing real-time scenario and intelligence capabilities. Below are two brief case studies of the most recent examples of companies that have transitioned to Eka Trading and Risk Management in the cloud to improve the bottom-line and operational performance of their complex businesses. Asian agricultural trading company This company had been relying on a wide variety of manually populated spreadsheets distributed through- out their organization to manage their increasingly complex business. Lacking a centralized store of data and information or the ability to support formalized and auditable business processes, the company’s strategy and trading decision making was slowing as time was wasted reconciling errors and merging information from various spreadsheets and outside sources. Without re- al-time reports of trading positions, P&L, and forecasts, the company’s trading decisions were ultimately based on inaccurate and/or incomplete information, leading to suboptimal financial performance. Seeking to improve their systems and processes, with- out making a significant investment in IT hardware and hiring an internal support team, the company selected Eka’s cloud-based CTRM solution for agriculture to replace this myriad of spreadsheets, improve real-time visibility into data, and improve their analytics capabili- ties. By providing the ability to aggregate all their data in real-time and expose the metrics and insights neces- sary to react quickly to changing market conditions, the company’s traders and execute staff are ensured that their trading decisions are based on accurate informa- tion, not error riddled spreadsheets. By leveraging the capabilities of the cloud, including seamless system up- grades delivered by Eka, the company decreased the cost of acquiring and maintaining a system that has po- sitioned them for success as their business grows and the markets and regulatory environments in which they operate grow increasingly complex.