White Papers Leveraging the cloud for improved performance | Page 5
Leveraging the Cloud for Improved Performance
need to be tracked by the CTRM for pricing and
settlement purposes, as well as to determine
cost accruals, and in valuation calculations to
gain an accurate picture of Profit and Loss.
/ P
ricing Flexibility – The ability to calculate value
via a diverse range of indexes, quality parame-
ters, and deal types. This will include use of qual-
ity criteria, indexes, futures, deposit terms, and
much more.
/ P
ackaging and Shipments – Depending on the
commodity, it may be shipped in bulk, in sacks,
bags, bales, containers, tanks, barrels, or any
number of packages. This means that many dif-
ferent types of product specifications and INCO
terms must be handled by the CTRM solution
from both a logistics perspective, as well as a
pricing, inventory and financial perspective.
Additionally, a commodity can be transformed
from bulk to packaged during its movements, or
a shipment can be broken up into smaller lots.
These circumstances need to be addressed ex-
plicitly within the application.
/ F
utures Markets – Agricultural futures markets
exist around the globe for most common agricul-
tural and soft commodities, and will range from
large long-established exchanges such as the
CME to smaller regional exchanges. Some agri-
cultural commodities however, have no associat-
ed futures and therefore require the ability to set
up specific pricing terms. CTRM solutions that
address ags and softs need to offer the flexibil-
ity to configure multiple trading books, each of
them reflecting the hedging market to be used
or a proxy of that hedging market.
A ComTechAdvisory Whitepaper
/ I nventory – Inventories may be held in varying
amounts at multiple locations and each requires
management. Inventories may also be of differ-
ent qualities and so choosing how to supply a
specific contract or trade from inventory can
take on a number of complexities and issues
unique to the commodity,
/ S
upply chain optimization – Managing complex
supply chains and associated documentation
and processes that may include agents, insur-
ers, banks, shippers and storage, for example,
not just in terms of movements, but also in terms
of supplier and vendor management, estimated
and actual costs and documentation. Traceabili-
ty is a key requirement here as well.
/ F
lexibility and Adaptability – Though ags & softs
have been traded longer than many other com-
modities, these have been primarily merchant
markets in which commodities would be pur-
chased at the source, transported, processed,
repackaged and sold to consumer markets.
With the advent of global trading markets and
electronic exchanges, these traditional markets
are evolving rapidly to look increasingly like fi-
nancial markets. This evolution and increasing
sophistication of the market participants contin-
ues and impacts the technologies used by those
participants. Any CTRM solution, particularly
one that covers multiple commodities, should
be architected and supported in such a man-
ner that it can readily adapt to changing trading
practices and regulations.