White Papers Improving Data Aggregation and Analysis to Address | Page 6
Improving Data Aggregation and Analysis
operational and market changes being contemplated
are in various stages of development, it’s almost cer-
tain that most or all will require the implementation
of sub-hourly bidding and dispatch to cope with the
variable nature of renewables.
The Western US, where states like California and
Nevada have seen huge growth in solar capacity, has
been particularly impacted by the influx of renewables
and, as a result, new markets and operating standards
are being developed to address the challenges, in-
cluding the western energy imbalance market (EIM)
as part of the CAISO. With seven power providers cur-
rently participating, the new imbalance market better
coordinates generation and operations involving wind
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and solar sources by awarding bids in 15 minute inter-
vals and dispatching generation in 5 minute periods.
This increasing granularity in power trading and oper-
ations will produce massive new streams of data that
must be incorporated and analyzed in order for gen-
erators and traders operate profitably. With the devel-
opment of the LMP markets over the decade, pow-
er markets have been throwing off tremendous data
streams, and now with the movement to sub-hourly
markets to better incorporate intermittent renew-
ables, power market participants will be increasingly
challenged to capture and analyze huge streams of
data in their daily operations.
According to the EIA, since the US began allowing exports of domestically produced crude in
late 2015, the US has attained the position of being one of the larg