White Papers Brady’s Quick Start Physical Trading Solution | Page 5

Brady’s Quick Start Physical Trading Solution A ComTechAdvisory Whitepaper BRADY QUICK START The premise behind this innovative methodology is to allow trading companies to set up and start using a market-leading physical trading solution as quickly as possible – minimizing imple- mentation time by providing a base solution with the key functionality and a standardized con- figuration that allows customers to gain rapid benefit from using the system. Brady’s Physical trading solution is a multi-commodity solution that covers metals, ags and softs and bulk fuels not just for trading and risk management but throughout much of the relevant supply chains. It has been designed and built to offer maximum flexibility through configuration. It has a wide installed base across the globe. The Quick Start approach is built around a number of key principles that target many areas in which expe- rience has shown that implementations can go awry: • Brady defines standard reports and workflow – Oftentimes, implementation projects become bogged down in ‘report mode’ where the custom- er requests multiple specific report formats – in some cases hundreds, and possibly even thou- sands, of non-standard reports. Unfortunately, experience has demonstrated that often many of these highly specific reports were not, after all, essential nor frequently used despite the fact that someone, somewhere believed that they must have them. • Data load tools are standard, facilitating more rap- id data cleansing and formatting – The software comes ready to use - however, it does require data to work and usually a degree of historical data at that. Without fully defined requirements, this ef- fort of identifying, cleansing and transforming data to load into the new system can be very time-con- suming. Utilizing standardized data loading tools allows the customer to be able to address this is- sue early and be ready with its data for loading. The vendor usually assists the users in configur- ing the data in the system and in uploading all data necessary to use the system. • Typical static data is pre-loaded – Similarly, static data loading is required prior to system use and is a critical part of any implementation project. Provi- sioning the system with such data from the outset saves both time and effort. • No software changes – Many projects start out with the development of numerous enhancements or changes targeting the perfect fit from day one. The issue with this is that delivery of these chang- es has to be phased into the project and can result in extra complexity and delays. • Customer adopts business processes to work with the solution – By adopting common or standard business processes, configuration of the system becomes more simple reducing complexity, time and risks with the project, rather than trying to adapt the system to meet a specific client’s work- flow. © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2019, All Rights Reserved.