White Papers Brady’s Quick Start Physical Trading Solution | Page 4

Brady’s Quick Start Physical Trading Solution A ComTechAdvisory Whitepaper CONTROLLING IMPLEMENTATION AND SUPPORT COSTS As previously noted, although often required and demanded by users, configurability will almost invariably lead to increased implementation timescales and costs. In part because the users simply cannot know the true capabilities and flexibilities of the solution at the outset of the project and, the software consultants and specialists cannot know the true complexity of the customer’s business. Developing this understanding on both sides only comes with time and familiarity despite the best and most careful project planning...and without it, the im- plementation effort can become elongated and/or de- railed as previously undisclosed factors are uncovered and false starts occur. Once implemented, on-going support can be increasingly problematic as well de- pending upon the implementation decisions that have been taken. In other instances, the user has selected the software for a specific purpose or commodity and does not need a lot of the built-in functionality. In this instance, care must be taken to ensure a clean and fo- cused implementation…though perhaps leaving room for use of some of the provided but currently unneed- ed functionality in the future. The conundrum then becomes how to implement the solution to meet the requirements in a way that is most expeditious and yet does not close the door on future modification of the initial configuration and available functionality. In order to provide a comprehensive solution that can grow with the user’s business and yet one that can be implemented in relatively short time frames, vendors have proposed various approaches. Most often, these approaches utilize “use cases” that define a fixed scope of processes and functionality at the outset in order to implement faster and with reduced risk of time slippage. Brady’s Physical trading solution Quick Start program is one such approach. © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2019, All Rights Reserved.