Whimsical Date Night V.1 | Page 9

FOREWORD Do you have a witness or just a barely-there companion? As a single lady and growing up into the woman I am now, the word ‘dating’ has meant many and different things for me especially at differ- ent stages of my life. These have ranged from the high thrill and emotion ridden feelings to the more bated expression of peace when you are with or thinking about a certain person or even the adrenaline pumped excite- ment you get from doing something with someone that you normally would think of as being out of this world crazy; but in that moment it makes sense or is needed by both of you. Looking back on all those times, they were moments that I opened myself up and allowed someone else to know me; and that feeling in itself means everything to me because I can live with the memories forever. Whenever I think of marriage and what it should mean, I think of the movie ‘Shall We Dance?’ featuring Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez and Susan Sarandon. Though a dance movie, it highlights on the importance of personal fulfilment, happiness and how friendship is a more important need for a successful marriage. As you read this eBook, I hope that you will (just as I have) find ways to recommit to being a witness, finding and keeping your own witness for life. Happy date-nighting! PS: Being a Local Guide, I can’t help but gift you this list of beaches and resorts you can plan to visit or explore on your date night journey, click here Lerato Lekena-Okoro Founder, Lerato & Adams