Where November December 2018 WhereNovDec18_Digital | Page 22
WEST COAST KIDS Specializing in eco-friendly
baby bedroom furniture, strollers, highchairs, and
carseats. Features new baby clothing line by local
designer Lennard Taylor. westcoastkids.ca, 103 Princess
St, 204-942-1237, Map 1: O-4; 4-1290 Kenaston Blvd,
204-615-2288, Map 2: E-3
Furs & leather
GLOBAL CONNECTIONS An eclectic mix of gifts,
women’s clothing, silver jewellery, hats, and scarves from
around the world. Also carries Trollbeads line of jewellery.
Unique lanterns, journals, and instruments. Johnston
Terminal at The Forks, main floor, 204-989-2173,
globalconnections.ca, Map 1: Q-5
sheepskin products, including plush rockers for the kids, rugs
and throws for the home, plus cozy mitts, hats, slippers,
gloves, coats, jackets and decor items. 250 Dufferin Ave,
204-586-8097, worldofsheepskin.com, Map 1: L-4 RADIANCE Metaphysically focused store boasts locally
made and imported products. Pretty greeting cards, journals,
aromatherapy, products, candles, crystals, handmade silver
jewellery and spiritual soundtracks. 7-875 Corydon Ave,
204-284-4231, radiancegifts.com, Map 1: T-2
GIFts GIFts/nature-themed
Millennium Library, this non-profit shop carries reading-
and writing-related gifts for book lovers. Beautiful
notebooks, pens, jewellery and fun giftware are carefully
selected for substance and style. Main Floor Lobby,
Millennium Library, 251 Donald St, 204-947-0110,
friendswpl.ca, Map 1: P-3
BOUTIQUE DU FESTIVAL Home base for February’s
Festival du Voyageur gifts, this year-round shop stocks
iconic red sashes, leather and fur mukluks and mittens,
Métis history books and T-shirts. 233 Provencher Blvd,
204-237-7692, festivalvoyageur.mb.ca, Map 1: P-6
BOUTIQUE Commemorative pens, shawls, and
accessories bear the CMHR logo, while a selection of fair
trade and ethically sourced products, including clothing,
bags and jewellery, are inspiring souvenirs. 85 Israel
Asper Way, 204-289-2000, humanrights.ca, Map 1: Q-5
COAL AND CANARY A fun, bright space welcomes
local company’s beloved quirky named candles along
a collection of other Canadian-made products like
luxury bath salts from Bathorium and natural essential
oils from Happy Spritz. 1 Forks Market Rd, 2nd floor,
coalandcanary.com, Map 1: Q-5
FIVE SMALL ROOMS This sunny space elegantly
showcases giftware, contemporary and traditional fine
china, silverware, crystal and jewellery. 2-1176 Taylor Ave,
204-488-8099, fivesmallrooms.com, Map 2: E-3
HUMBOLDT’S LEGACY This shop is a haven for the eco-
conscious shopper. A selection of Earth-friendly items
like bamboo apparel and fair trade organic coffee and tea
are part of the product mix. 167 Lilac St, 204-772-1404,
humboldtslegacy.com, Map 1: T-2
LA PARFUMERIE Canada’s only remaining parfumerie.
Create a custom scent or choose a house signature.
Perfumes, blended with quality essential oils, contain no
alcohol or animal products. 145 Evanson St, 204-475-4895,
nothingperfume.com, Map 2: D-3
PINERIDGE HOLLOW Showroom of high-quality
furniture inspired by a prairie lifestyle. Country-style
themed rooms display quilts, tea sets, baby products,
garden supplies, gourmet treats and tableware. Oakbank
MB, off Hwy 59, east on Garven Rd, 204-777-3881,
pineridgehollow.com, Map 2: A-7
TARA DAVIS STUDIO BOUTIQUE This bright and colourful
boutique carries hand-made treasures made by the owner
and other Canadian designers. Great place to find local
art prints and handmade ceramics. 246 McDermot Ave,
204-504-8272, taradavis.ca, Map 1: O-4
TINY FEAST Cute Exchange District boutique specializes
in stationery with clean, artful design. Swoon over pretty
notebooks, pens, gifts, and housewares. ‘Peg-centric
art prints are a local favourite. 217 McDermot Ave,
204-942-5889, tinyfeast.com, Map 1: O-4
WAG@THE FORKS The Winnipeg Art Gallery’s new retail
space features Inuit, First Nations and Métis art from some of
Canada’s most celebrated artists, including Jackson Beardy.
This store also carries artisan-made jewellery, crafts and gifts
from the WAG Gallery Shop. Johnston Terminal at The Forks,
main floor, 204-789-1349, Map 1: O-5
november/december 2018
gifts for kids of all ages. Find moveable puppets and
bamboo rain sticks in the Wild Things Gift Shop, and cute
polar plushies at Arctic Treasures inside the Journey to
Churchill exhibit. Assiniboine Park Zoo, 2595 Roblin Blvd,
204-927-6061 (Wild Things), 204-927-8042 (Arctic
Treasures), assiniboinepark.ca, Map 2: D-2
THE MUSEUM SHOP Dinosaur figurines are the
crowd favourite. Stone carvings, kids’ toys, and
educational games. Manitoba Museum, 190 Rupert Ave,
204-988-0615, Map 1: N-4
health & BeautY
AVEDA INSTITUTE WINNIPEG Hair school, retail store
and salon all featuring the luxurious natural, eco-friendly
products of Aveda in a chic Exchange District building.
Go green and indulge yourself with a plant-based pamper.
80 Rorie St, 204-452-7380, avedainstitute.ca, Map 1: O-4
DI ERBE INC Vegan soaps and certified organic skin care
manufactured in St. Boniface include aromatherapy products
and soothing salves for sensitive skin. Natural scented body
moisturizers cherry blossom and honeysuckle are signatures.
111 Marion St, 204-415-7888, dierbe.ca, Map 1: R-6
EPSILON CREATIONS A wide selection of coloured
stones like emeralds, rubies and sapphires. Award-
winning custom designers whose creations range
from contemporary to antique stylings. 50 Stafford St,
204-453-2008, shop-epsilon.ca, Map 1: T-2
HILARY DRUXMAN Chic boutique features
sleek, minimalist jewellery by local designer Hilary
Druxman. Exquisite pieces in Sterling silver, yellow
and white gold are handcrafted in the atelier behind
the shop. 1-258 McDermot Ave, 204-947-1322,
hilarydruxman.com, Map 1: O-4
INDEPENDENT JEWELLERS Traditional gift store
with a wide selection of luxury watches, including
Rolex and Omega, and fine jewellery. Carrier of
prestigious Forevermark diamonds. 493 Notre Dame
Ave, 204-774-5544, Map 1: N-3; CF Polo Park,
204-204-783-3113, independentjewellers.com, Map 2: D-3
gold and platinum, featuring high-quality diamonds
and coloured stones. Custom orders welcome.
Repair shop on the premises will also accomodate
rush sizings. 236 Osborne St, 204-956-2096,
rogerwatsonjewellers.com, Map 1: R-3
SUTTON SMITHWORKS Longtime Exchange District
shop creates custom made jewellery and repairs on
site. Stunning array of pieces in silver and gold and
layered with precious stones. 103-250 McDermot Ave,
204-942-5236, Map 1: O-4
features a variety of fun and functional products from
around the globe for restaurants and the home cook,
including Le Creuset tableware, Staub cookware,
and Japanese knives. 485 Berry St, 204-953-2345,
danielsgourmetkitchenware.ca, Map 2: D-2
EDWARD CARRIERE Charming West Broadway salon
and spa. Downstairs boutique stocks upscale indulgences
like jewellery, perfume, hair accessories and handbags.
Brands include Creed, Diptyque, and lingerie from
Winnipeg-based March and August. 162 Spence St,
204-987-6441, Map 1: Q-2 THE HAPPY COOKER A toy store for the culinarily
inclined, this Osborne Village fixture stocks unbreakable
glass, a wall of knives and molecular gastronomy
kits for fun foams and froths. 464 Stradbrook Ave,
204-453-2665, thehappycooker.ca, Map 1: R-3
GENERATION GREEN This newly renovated
emporium carries eco-friendly and sustainable products
including natural beauty and food products. Shop
dozens of Canadian companies coast to coast in a
beautiful display. 100-433 Main S, 204-808-9848,
generationgreenwpg.com, Map 1: O-4 BRA BAR & PANTERIE (women) Specializing in bras,
panties, bra fitting, cup sized swimwear, and mastectomy
products. Domestic and imported lines including Chantelle,
Elomi, Fantasie, Empreinte, Prima Donna and Marie-Jo.
Bra sizes AA-N cups and band sizes from 28-56. 100-160
Provencher Blvd, 204-231-3487, Map 1: P-6; 1765 Kenaston
Blvd, 204-487-3487, thebrabar.com, Map 2: D-3
HEARTSEASE All-natural organic bath and beauty
products made in Manitoba are housed in this Wolseley
building. Products include essential oils, bath salts,
body balm and a line for babies. 941 Westminster Ave,
heartsease.ca, Map 1: R-2
MAISON S SALON SPATELIER Small spa/salon and
retail space stocks some of the best beauty products
on the market. In-house line of luxury hair, body and
mineral makeup products also available. 161 Lilac Ave,
204-475-9264, Map 1: T-2
TIBER RIVER NATURALS Bright space carries house
line of bath and body products for the beauty queens.
Includes lip balm, hair shakes, travel kits and nail and
body bar services. 408 Academy Rd, 204-474-2333,
Map 2: D-3; 3-1650 Kenaston Blvd, 204-284-4247,
tiberriver.ca, Map 2: F-2.
KATOO’S JEWELLERY Modern jewellery from local
and international designers, along with custom pieces
designed and created on site. 138 Provencher Blvd,
204-894-1456, katoos.ca, Map 1: P-6
BIRKS Expansive store boasts wedding and engagement
bands, jaw-dropping pearls, watches, and diamond-
encrusted cuff links. Gifts for the new baby and some high-
end home items like Sterling silverware sets. 191 Lombard
Ave, 204-786-7468, maisonbirks.com, Map 1: 0-4
lInGerIe & swImwear
CE SOIR (women) An exquisite space featuring bras,
undergarments and sleepwear. Lines from European
designers Freya, Fantasie, Panache, Prima Donna,
and Hanky Panky. Bra sizes 30AA-46JJ. Personalized
fittings. 145-166 Meadowood Dr, 204-253-8788,
cesoirlingerie.com, Map 2: F-4
DIVA LINGERIE (women) Designer bras from England,
Belgium and France ranging in sizes from 30AA-52JJ.
Specializing in backless and strapless foundations, chemises,
silk sleep shirts and swimwear. Personalized fittings. Lise
Charmel, Simone Perele, Elomi and Empreinte. Grant Park
Shopping Centre, 204-452-1802, divalingerie.ca, Map 2: E-3;
St Vital Centre, 204-253-2454, Map 2: F-4
EYELET DOVE (women) This comfortable, feminine
space carries some of the world’s most exclusive brands
of lingerie and swimwear. Lingerie by Christine, swimwear
by Gottex, Diva of Israel and Princesse Tam-Tam.
Daywear, nightwear and robes for women. Bra sizes
34A-46HH. 485 Academy Rd, 204-488-0403, Map 2: D-3
GRAVITY LINGERIE (men, women) Sleek and stylish
space featuring lingerie and foundation garments.
Some men’s underwear. Carries lines such as
Chantelle, PrimaDonna, and Commando, double-faced
underwear and foundation garments that don’t show
through clothing. 252 Stafford St, 204-691-8858,
gravitylingerie.ca, Map 1: T-1