Where November December 2018 WhereNovDec18_Digital | Page 21
SILVER LOTUS Fun space filled with stunning pieces.
Handcrafted jewellery by Pyrrha, Andrea Waines, Justine
Brooks and Rebel. Beautiful leather bags by Aunts &
Uncles. Features fashions by La Fixsun and Vintage
Havana. 103 Osborne St, 204-452-3648, silverlotus.biz, Map 1: R-3
THE CANISTER More than 100 varieties of black,
flavoured and green teas, loose or in bags. Godiva
chocolates, flavoured hot chocolate and more than 50
varieties of regular and flavoured coffee beans are offered.
121 Osborne St, 204-474-0407, Map 1: R-3
CORNELIA BEAN Tea, coffee, chocolate, and accessories
shop on the posh Academy Road strip. More than 200
varieties of loose tea and 18 freshly roasted coffees from
around the world. Exclusive blends available. 417 Academy
Rd, 204-489-5460, corneliabean.com, Map 2: D-3
WINE STORES Banville & Jones Wine Co, 1616 St.
Mary’s Rd, 204-948-WINE (9463), Map 2: F-4; De
Luca Fine Wines, 942 Portage Ave, 204-783-9463,
Map 1: Q-1; Ellement Wine + Spirits, The Forks Market,
main floor, 204-956-4613, Map 1: Q-5; Kenaston
Wine Market, 1855A Grant Ave, 204–488-9463,
Map 2: E-3; La Boutique del Vino, 1360 Taylor Ave,
204-982-VINO (8466), Map 2: E-3; The Wine House,
110-1600 Kenaston Blvd, 204-275-6660, Map 2: F-3
BLUE MOON Long standing local outfit provides unusual
upscale home furnishings, such as petrified teak wood
stools and imported live-edge tables. In-house design
line features beautiful modern pieces accented with
natural elements. 109 Pacific Avenue, 204-452-7096,
bluemoonfurniture.ca, Map 1: N-4
DESIGN MANITOBA Contemporary and transitional
furniture for every room in the house are found in this
10,000 square foot space. Also features a large selection
of home accessories, including lamps, mirrors, area rugs,
and framed art. Shipping available. 101-326 Wardlaw Ave,
204-453-2390, designmanitoba.com, Map 1: S-4
FOR SPACE SAKE At this self-titled “store for organized
living,” find clutter-busting organizational furniture and
accessories to simplify your living space. Decorative
objects abound for the bathroom, kitchen and office.
1824 Grant Ave, 204-488-2633, forspacesake.com, Map 2: D-3
THESE FOUR WALLS Beautiful showroom displays a full
range of ever-changing styles and pieces for your home,
including custom couches, wood furniture, lamps, wall
hangings, clocks, mirrors and servingware. 167 Stafford
Ave, 204-452-5786, thesefourwalls.ca, Map 1: T-1
bakery, butcher and kitchen turning out daily specials,
this Italian grocery-cum-New York deli is always bustling.
More than 65 shapes of pasta, Mediterranean-style
breads, take-out pasta dishes, and cheeses. 950 Portage
Ave, 204-774-7617, deluca.ca, Map 1: Q-1; 66 South
Landing Dr, Oak Bluff, 204-775-8605.
FRESCOLIO This extra-virgin olive oil and balsamic
vinegar tasting bar offers the ultimate try before you
buy experience. Sample more than 65 varieties of oil
and vinegar in tantalizing combinations. 2-929 Corydon
Ave, 204-505-1455, Map 1: T-2; 5-1604 St. Mary’s Rd,
204-615-3885, frescolio.ca, Map 2: F-5
G.J. ANDREWS Elegant spot features prepared dishes,
a bakery counter, imported food products, Jelly Belly
candies and common corner store staples. Part of
the store features 900 wines from around the world.
384 Academy Rd, 204-487-7300, gjandrews.ca, Map 2: D-3
GREEK MARKET Bustling, light space sells Mediterranean
specialties such as tabouleh, sausages, and almond-crusted
chicken available for take-out. Also find freezer meals and
jars of locally produced condiments. 1440 Corydon Ave,
204-488-6161, greekmarket.ca, Map 2: E-3
OLIV TASTING ROOM A popular family-run Canadian
chain boasting more than 80 varieties of oil and
vinegar. Sampling is encouraged, with everything from
subtle aged reserves to standouts like Fig Balsamic
gracing the shelves. 1857 Grant Ave, 204-414-2019,
olivtastingroom.ca, Map 2: E-3
PIAZZA DE NARDI This indoor plaza houses La
Grotta Mediterranean Market, offering gourmet dried
goods, desserts, prepared foods and excellent breads.
La Boutique del Vino features more than 1,300 wines
from around the world. 1360 Taylor Ave, 204-982-9461
(market), 204-982-VINO (8466 - wine store),
lagrotta.ca, Map 2: E-3
SCOOP N’ WEIGH Spices, specialty flours, snacks
and health foods. Also stocks a selection of cookware,
linens, and colourful lunchboxes. 1770 Taylor Ave,
204-489-1031, scoopnweigh.com, Map 2: E-3
Every season brings
a new experience.
Here, we come together
to celebrate traditions
old and new.
SWEET IMPRESSIONS Nut-free bakery specializes
in designer cookies and cupcakes. Lots of gifts for
bakers, including retro-glam aprons and oven mitts
and whimsical tools. 669 Stafford St, 204-237-0743,
sweetimpressions.ca, Map 2: E-4
bakery sells bread made with freshly ground flour
from Manitoba wheat. A favourite for cinnamon buns
and pastries. 859 Westminster Ave, 204-783-5097,
Map 1: R-1; The Forks Market, main floor, 204-957-5097,
tallgrassbakery.ca, Map 1: Q-5
VITA HEALTH This Manitoba-owned and operated
chain of health stores carries natural beauty products,
nutritional supplements, organic produce, and dry goods.
Offers a great selection of locally sourced products and
items for special dietary needs. Six locations in Winnipeg,
vitahealthstores.ca or 204-984-9599 for information.