When Heroes Disappoint | Page 5

What is even more convoluted is that they can ’ t attack her for being inexperienced as she is the sitting vice-president and has a whole lot more experience than when Trump was first elected president . It is noteworthy that he actually lost the popular vote then .
In a desperate attempt to derail her surge as a potential formidable opponent , we have heard prominent blacks actually question whether she is actually black . It is amazing how the definition of being black or American changes in America , just ask Obama .
Bear in mind that if she were to prevail in November , she would be breaking several glass ceilings and many bigoted Americans are really not ready for this and the Trump camp only option is to play the fear card which is very effective in far-right politics .
It has been stated here previously that the Trump slogan ‘ Make America Great Again ’ is an euphemism for ‘ Make America White Again ’ and the surge of extreme right wing politics sweeping Europe is testament of this phenomena .
The worry that immigrants are taking over America is a real fear for most white Americans who see America as an extension of Europe and hypocritically ignore that they are also immigrants . Trump is the white knight on the white horse headed to white house .
Trump has promised on his campaign trail to mass deport immigrants and close borders on day one as president . This promise touches a live cord with white voters who do not understand why they are voting for immigrants rather than lynching them .
The sad part of this genre of politics is that whoever wins in November , America will lose . When one whips up these types of emotions of the electorate , those emotions do not suddenly expire on election day .
If Trump wins , then America will brace for a rollercoaster four years where an unhinged and incoherent megalomaniac will take charge of America as the most powerful man on the planet and probably permanently damage global geopolitical stability .
Many countries , especially in Europe are looking on with dread of another Trump presidency where policies and longstanding alliances can and will most likely be thrown to the wind and ignored as Trump bullies everyone .
Trumps dictatorial tendencies may find expression within the far-right groups that may be very willing to destabilize the country to extol the hate agenda . The renewed interest in confederate politics should be a warning light .
If Kamala wins , it will be to some extent a pyrrhic victory . It will foment the farright politics and there are those who will spend their time fighting her for who she is rather than what she does . A non-white can do no right .
She will be expected to operate at standards that are not required of male presidents and every action will be scrutinized and analyzed , not to help America but to trap and prove that women and immigrants are not fit for office .
It is a pity that Martin Luther King Jr ’ s dream of an America where his children would not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character is still a dream six decades later in the country of the free .
It is incredible that a Trump can be on the ballot box and frightening that he actually has a solid following even among the evangelicals in spite of his moral depravity and criminal activities which includes trying to overthrow a legitimately elected president .
In November the Americans will not be choosing the ablest person to govern the country but between a populist white showman and capable career politician who just happens to be female and black .
If this is where democracy has descended to then it might be a good time as any for Americans to sit back and evaluate on whether this is what the founding fathers had in mind and if this is what America has been pontificating as the best political system .
It does not augur well for democracy when the global thriving economies are dictatorships and controlled economies . It has been proved that free market economies beat socialist and communist models hands down , but does democracy actually work ?