When Heroes Disappoint | Page 4

MAL : 62:24
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William Kalombo , Mutua Mutua , Peter Mugai , Fred Ombati
Editorial Contributors Mutua Mutua Mercy Wanjau , MBS Fawzia Ali-Kimanthi Dr . Maureen Owiti Anthony Taiti Soyinka Witness Kevin Mofokeng Diana Obath Alice Ngatia Priscah Morogwa William Baraza Michael Mwangi Ann Joyce Wambui FCM Richard Wanjohi Yannick Lefang Raphael Kioko Maureen Jagona Okore Dr . Wale Akinyemi Innocent Tibayeita Walter Nyabundi Daniel Oseman Prof . Kellen Kiambati Ernestilla Bahati Carolyne Gathuru Isaac Ngatia Poppy Lydia Sello Dr . Mary Mugo Katya Nyangi Geoffrey Sirumba Kehinde Ruth Onasoga Joseph Kimotho Marketing - Joan Vida Jan Okonji Marion Wakahe Christine Nyandat Michael Nzule Paul Mwirigi Kepha Nyanumba Eddie Okila Robert Wamai Corazon Sefu Wandimi Muriithi Magiri Wasilwa Miriongi Frida Owinga Dr . Clifford Ferguson
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MAL62 / 24 ISSUE Marketing Africa

Skating On Thin Ice

The clock is ticking , inexorably towards November and the appointed day that the American democracy has chosen as their election day . A fascinated world will hear about blues states and red states and the all-important battle grounds of the swing states .
By then millions of dollars will have been spent on aggressive advertising in support of the two frontrunners , it is always two , since in America the truth is that the party with the better marketing team wins the election .
The American presidential campaign is by far the best roadshow America provides its citizenry and the most gripping show on air for a nation nurtured and addicted to reality shows and the razzmatazz of Hollywood .
Presidential debates , that have been a staple of the campaign used to be platforms where candidates expounded and mesmerized their audience on how their party agenda would make the American dream a reality for all .
Today the debate has become an opportunity to bait and slay opponents . Biden actually had to drop his second term bid because he did not pass the camera screen test . Somehow Americans are not so bothered that he is still president . The debate was just an episode .
Two old men had a slugger fest on air and the cheering crowd was titillated by Trumps supreme ability to insult and belittle opponents and Biden ’ s cognitive lapses effectively ended his presidential campaign .
An elated Trump could taste victory in November as he outperformed Biden on stage and was furious that his vanquished opponent had the temerity to withdraw from the race and endorse his able vice president to carry the mantle .
Suddenly the applecart is upended , the race is between a doddering old man and a young and vibrant opponent . The catch is that she is female and she is not white although very American and capable .
The country is thrown back to the quintessential debate and this time round the previous victor is the victim . Trump is now exhibiting all the traits of his former opponent Biden and as expected is thrashed on the podium . They refuse a rematch .
The saying goes that all is fair in love and politics and if you can ’ t win fair then foul is permissible . The Trump marketing machine has to now go into overdrive to find ways to pull her down but it is caught in an interesting bind .
They would love to disparage her and cast her as a Diversity Equity and Inclusion candidate since this controversial affirmative action policy is frowned on by many who feel that correcting historical injustices this way is actually discriminatory .
They can ’ t attack her as a female as that would alienate the women , they can ’ t attack her being black as that would alienate the black vote and they can ’ t dismiss her as an immigrant since that would alienate the huge immigrant population .