Student Talks
Going into kickoff , I was expecting an out of the ordinary game that was unlike any other . There were rumors of a water game or flying game that got the team ’ s hopes up . When the game was announced , the game was not what I expected but I was excited that it was relatively similar to last year ’ s game : Stronghold . Having the team ’ s knowledge of the things that worked in the game last year , for example : hanging and shooting , it will help us move along brainstorming and building our strategy / robot . I expect STEAMworks to influence varies strategies and robot designs among teams . It will be interesting to find out what other teams come up with - Sarah Boynton
As the game was unveiled the room was filled with silence . No one in the room made a sound as we watched the entire video of the game including the detailed videos that followed . The second the videos ended the room erupted in cheers and side conversations about the game . Now as we enter the third day we have worked on devising strategies that would allow us to build a robot that would be able to accomplish the goals we set for it . It is in build season that all the ideas and dreams that the team members have for this season come alive . The first week is most defiantly my favorite time of the build season because you are able to see the different ways everyone thinks but when its all done , everyone ' s ideas have been combined into one magnificent design of a robot .
Kurtis Kalagher
Issue 2 : January 16 , 2017 PAGE 8