What's The Buzz 2017 Issue 2 | 页面 5

Pizza Party

The 2017 FIRST ® Robotic season began with an event called Kickoff . This year it occurred on January 7 th . Kickoff marks the beginning of the design and build season where we create the robot to compete against other teams in competitions . There are currently 3128 FIRST ® teams with roughly 75,000 total team members scattered around the globe . As we continued to get a firm grasp on STEAMworks , we invited family , friends and alumni to enjoy a pizza dinner and a replaying of the kick off reveal video . The video outlined all of the game details , followed by a presentation by Art Colling outlining the game in extensive detail and then concluding with dessert consisting of cookies , cakes and pastries .
Issue 2 : January 16 , 2017 PAGE 5