What's REALLY Going ON Volume 1, June 2014 Issue #6 | Page 86

ACCOMPLISHMENTS Michael Inspires True Pride by Elizabeth Olney An actual date felt so sudden because the summer had dragged on in anticipation. Media was set to be present at the LAUSD building ready to go, and the meeting looked like a go until the unexpected happened. Three days before, a sudden turn of events occurred. The boards were removed. It happened so fast that no one was sure which media outlet got the news first. Of course, Mr. Urbina called Jen. He even brought each class outside, the same day, to sit on the steps of the auditorium entrance beneath Michael’s shining name, for pictures. Much more than a name was uncovered for the children of the school and for the world to see. The children of Gardner Street Elementary School and children everywhere can now regard Michael as a power of example without reservation and confusion. They can dance his dances and sing his songs, always with their heads held high. As we know, it is children that Michael has cared about more than anyone which makes this event even more meaningful. …while touring Children's National Hospital in Washington. *photo from washingtonpost.com, 2009 Upon the news, the team came together on Skype, which grew into an open celebration on U-stream. It was so exciting. Everyone was ecstatic. Their victory was a victory for all of us together that exciting night of October 15th, 2010. The team thanked us over and over as we kept thanking them and telling them how proud we are of them. The team attributes this sudden turn of events to Mrs. Jackson’s act of intervention. This prompted the break-through and yet, it appears that Superintendent Cortines and LAUSD were avoiding the meeting which everyone knew would not be favorable towards them. Mrs. Jackson and her grandson Taj had actually planned to give a press conference to announce that the boards were down until LAUSD leaked the story to the press before this took place. Wesley Noorhoff, founder of fan group & web-site Legendary Michael Jackson, posted these words by Taj and Mrs. Katherine Jackson, immediately following the posting of their statements. " Taj posted on Facebook : On behalf of my grandma, we are thrilled that the “Uncover Michael Jackson’s Name Campaign” has come to a happy conclusion. Here is a direct quote from my Grandma. “After a number of heartfelt conversations between me, my grandson Taj, family friend Jodi Gomes, and LAUSD, I am overwhelmed that the school will proudly bear my son’s name on its auditorium once again. This could not have been done without the tireless dedication of my son’s fans and specifically the wonderful members of the “Uncover Michael Jackson’s Name Campaign”. I look forward to my joint statement with the school in the coming days and thank you from my heart. Michael would be proud”. Mrs. Katherine Jackson Katherine Jackson as loyal as loyal could ever be. Together at the trial in 2005. 86