What's REALLY Going ON Volume 1, June 2014 Issue #6 | Page 85

ACCOMPLISHMENTS Michael Inspires True Pride by Elizabeth Olney A lovely woman, by the name of Marilou Trask-Curtin noticed the Facebook group. She is a writer and Blog Talk Radio Show host. Like Michael, she uses words “to move people toward hope, love, joy and peace". Sahar was her guest for a very uplifting program. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ mariloutrask-curtin/2010/04/26/michael-jackson-gardnerelementary-campaign “…if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” Mother Teresa In late May, Catherine launched her own Blog Talk Radio show. Catherine featured her first show with the teams’ spokesperson, Sahar. Two more full shows dedicated to the campaign followed and “A Place in Your Heart” is an ongoing show of Catherine’s, dedicated to Michael.http:// www.blogtalkradio.com/a-place-in-your-heart to this day. As events surrounding the issue took place, Super. Cortines was still refusing to respond, the team asked group supporters to bombard him with e-mails. When his assistants requested that we stop, and passed on a message that he didn’t care to meet with Jen, the team respectfully asked us to stop. At this point, the team encouraged Jen’s willingness to approach the school board. Not knowing much about school board meetings, they again researched before Jen actually attended the meetings at Garner St. Elementary. She went regularly, twice a month until summer recess, despite the opposition she’d faced. It was a long wait before Jen could pursue attempts to be heard at a meeting. On the eve of the anniversary of Michael’s passing, Jennifer represented the team and its’ campaign at the first Make a Better World Foundation Convention, held in LA. MBWF is a non-profit organization inspired by Michael’s humanitarianism. Jennifer said “It has given me so much inspiration to continue to carry on his legacy”. The course of action underway pursued throughout the long summer months and into autumn. Blessy made more media inquiries, the door-to-door campaigning kept up, Ariel continued uploading photos and videos from supporters, supporters recruited fri