What's On Tablelands March Issue 2017 | Page 2

Meet young Mac

What ’ s On + Where To Go

An independent , locally owned calendar of community events published monthly from February to December . Editor Katje Gibson editor @ whatsonwheretogo . com . au Mobile 0409 725 466 Office - 32 Mabel Street , Atherton ( Open Wednesdays 10am to 4pm ) Mail To - PO Box 1491 Atherton Q 4883 www . whatsonwheretogo . com . au Sales Mobile : 0409 725 466 sales @ whatsonwheretogo . com . au Events Mobile : 0409 725 466 events @ whatsonwheretogo . com . au
Printed by Lotsa Printing , Atherton . All care is taken for accuracy and circumstances may change . Readers should check details with host presenters . Views expressed are not necessarily those of What ’ s On + Where To Go or its advertisers . Reprinting or copying any parts of What ’ s On + Where To Go publications requires permission © What ’ s On + Where To Go 2016

What ’ s On

has an online

mag !

The exciting online version of What ’ s On is out !

Unlike the old online version this one shows off the Tablelands community , events & businesses in a whole new fun way - with video and interactive links to websites . How easy is that ?

Update listings by April 1st

Hello ! Do you have an event listed in What ' s On or on the website ? Over the past month I have been contacting event hosts to confirm their details are still up to date . This is important as many of the reoccurring listings are more than a year old . Usually , if I have been unable to get in touch with an event host within a month , I will delete the listing , so please be sure to contact me to confirm your spot on 0409 725 466 , editor @ whatsonwheretgo . com . au or update your web listings online www . whatsonwheretogo . com . au .

Chinese Herbs for Longevity He Shou Wu - " Fo Ti "

This month I wanted to share some thoughts with you on a beautiful herb I have been taking for about 6 weeks - Fo Ti ( Polygonom multiflorum ). In TCM it is long revered as one of the most important and powerful longevity herbs . Physically it ' s considered a Kidney Jing tonic- it stimulates and harmonizes adrenal gland function , promotes general Endocrine System Balance and above all restores our vital essence - the primordial energy that fuels all life . Psychospiritually its a Shen / Spirit yin tonic , and anything with yin properties correlates to the feminine element / energy promotes receptivity . Therefore we have a herb that makes us receptive to spirit . Personally some observations are - I ' ve felt a deeper connection and understanding of my place in and of the Earth . It ' s been easier to slide into plant spirit awareness and I also feel
Laura & Jet so enlivened with my core energy feeling stronger and more stable . It ' s easier to fall asleep and I have
more energy for my day . The best way to learn about herbs is to take them and experience their message for yourself . I have some beautiful Longevity Herbs in the shop at the moment - Love Laura
Tablelands Medicines & Organics 4B Jack Street , Atherton Ph 4091 3999
Meet young Mac
Mac is a 5 month old Ridgeback puppy and much loved pet of local lady Vivian Dickson . He enjoys long walks , sniffing everything and digging small to large holes depending on mood .

April 1st

To view it , go to our Facebook page , or the website at wowtogo . com . au
Want your pet story and a portrait by Antonia Chew in What ’ s On ? contact us to find out how editor @ whatsonwheretogo . com . au
Tech Talk with That Geek Caveman
Internet Trolls
A Net Troll is the name given to a person on the internet who makes comments deliberately meant to offend or annoy people . They do it because they think they are funny , but it can be really destructive . A lot of online groups can be turned against each other with just one comment from a troll . So what you should do if you see someone making these comments is report them . The hard part is not reacting , but it has to be done . In all social media sites there are ways to report . If you do report it to a group admin and they don ' t do anything about it then you should leave the group .