What's On Tablelands December 2016 / January 2017 Issue | Page 2

Stella Bella

What ’ s On + Where To Go

An independent , locally owned calendar of community events published monthly from February to December . Editor Katje Gibson editor @ whatsonwheretogo . com . au Mobile 0409 725 466 Office - 32 Mabel Street , Atherton ( Open Wednesdays 10am to 4pm ) Mail To - PO Box 1491 Atherton Q 4883 www . whatsonwheretogo . com . au Sales Mobile : 0409 725 466 sales @ whatsonwheretogo . com . au Events Mobile : 0409 725 466 events @ whatsonwheretogo . com . au
Printed by Lotsa Printing , Atherton . All care is taken for accuracy and circumstances may change . Readers should check details with host presenters . Views expressed are not necessarily those of What ’ s On + Where To Go or its advertisers . Reprinting or copying any parts of What ’ s On + Where To Go publications requires permission © What ’ s On + Where To Go 2016

What ’ s On

has an online

mag !

The exciting online version of What ’ s On is out !

Unlike the old online version this one shows off the Tablelands community , events & businesses in a whole new fun way - with video and interactive links to websites . How easy is that ?

To view it , go to our Facebook page , or the website at wowtogo . com . au

Silly Season Saviours

Ho Ho Ho - Tis the Season to possibly indulge in more and different foods and drinks than you usually do , so I thought I ’ d share a few naturopath secrets , some of the products you can use to lessen the effects of the indulgence of the festive season . At the top of the list , useful for everything from a hangover , to excess food consumption , bloating , traveling to an area with different water is :
1 . ACTIVATED CHARCOAL - to reduce effects of alcohol take two heaped teaspoons in a full glass of water before bed , for excess food & or food poisoning ; take 1 - 2 tsp when you are feeling uncomfortable , if you get sick from different water take ; 1 x tsp morning and night for 7-14 days . 2 . IMMUNE RESTORATIVE- A Liquid herbal tincture with herbs specific for strengthening and supporting immune function- this is very useful to have on hand for adults & children- to many late nights , swimming all day and it might be windy , overexertion & feeling run down . It is used acutely- at first sign of feeling unwellit ’ s a combination of antibacterials , antivirals , systemic restoratives and immune supporting herbs- works fast !! 3 . LIVER PROTECTION- A Liquid herbal tincture with herbs specific to support liver
Owners & Therapists Laura & Jet detoxification of the body and to protect liver cells from the harmful effects of alcohol . Taken prior to and after drinking alcohol .
4- DETOX / CLEANSE TEAS- drinking cleansing herbs daily as a tea is a great way to balance excess consumption- it ’ s easy , cheap and very effective . And there is lots more you can do- come in and say hi to Laura if you ’ re looking for something more specific . Merry Christmas- wishing you all a safe , happy , awesome , healthy festive season and may your creations for the new year be magickal .
Tablelands Medicines & Organics 4B Jack Street , Atherton Ph 4091 5686
Stella Bella
Beautiful Stella goes by many names ... Stella , Stella Bella , Stells-Bells , Bubba , Bubbalooney , Honey Bananie , Cutie-patootie , Bubs-bubsbubsybubs , Squirter ... to name but a few ! You can gather by this that we love her dearly ! She came into our lives 4 1 / 2 years ago and we wonder constantly what we ever did with out her ! She loves a scritchy on the belly , cuddles and curling up in bed with us at night ! She is very much a people dog ; knowing all of our friends by first name and getting very excited by the mere mention of them visiting . So much so that we have resorted to spelling certain words !
Want your pet story and a portrait by Antonia Chew in What ’ s On ? contact us to find out how !
Tech Talk with That Geek Caveman
All About Apps
There are so many apps on the Android Play Store and iPhone Apps Store that 60 % of them have never been downloaded . That might sound ridiculous , and it is , but there ’ s more than one answer as to why it happens . Apps are easy to make and are a great way for people who want to

Support Local this Christmas !

It ’ s hard to believe another year has been and gone ! We live in such a great area , so many wonderful shops , cafes and attractions . Help keep it that way , make sure you support local this Christmas ! It ’ s easy to do with such a diverse range of gift shops , restaurants , cafes and more ! I encourage you to take a look at the Where To Shop double feature page and other businesses featured throughout What ’ s On for some inspiration .
Over the holiday season many regular events may have a date or time change , or close for December . Some event hosts do update their listings , and I contact regular groups this may apply to , but please double check with event hosts to make sure all is on schedule before attending .
Thank you again to all the readers , contributors , and of course the advertisers , as without your support What ’ s On would not exist ! I look forward to another great year . Wishing you all a great 2017 .
Submitted by Adam Chamberlain
get into writing programs and code to start . Another answer is the not so nice people on the web make an app , like a flashlight or fart sound app , but really once downloaded it then collects your personal information before selling it on . The trick is to read the comments from others on an app , as well as the information that says what access they need from you . This is a great way to decide if you should get the app or not .