What's going on Downtown North Bay Vol.1 October 2013 | Page 13
Th e Oa k S t r e e t R e v i v a l
Oak Street, one of North Bay's wondrous one ways. In the past These leaves could be purchased, and each purchase
few years Oak Street has underwent some extensive renova- would support the project to come. The leaves would then
tions and remodeling.
be engraved and mounted on a metal pergola structure.
The community waterfront Friends developed a plan that When the leaves started to be mounted we also seen trees
would create sustainability for the waterfront and city core. be planted in the park as well as benches put in place.
Plans began to come together as the time passed. With some
extensive landscaping, brick laying and paving alike, we
The remodeled municipal parking lot would also upgrade
began to see the light.
the street with the new pavement, booths, and lighting and
Development then started with the pergola systems, a me- a wonderful blue scheme to match the park and pergola.
morial section of the park to display the "leaves of inspiration".
DO NOT THROW AWAY! Do the right thing: recycle & show a friend!