What's Cooking May 30, 2014 | Page 2


All is good in the Food Court this week. Casa Nina and the 406 grill are open. Stay tuned for some exciting new changes coming to the Food Court in the near future. Quote of the week: It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad. C. S. Lewis

The Food Zoo will be open for lunch service Monday-Friday this week. We are getting geared up for the football camp arriving on June 12th, can you believe it’s that time already?

Inventory is done at Biz Buzz and Recess. Both of us, Rebekah and Dennis, are over at the Think Tank these days. We are keeping busy and enjoying the sunshine. Think Tank will have a hot special and a cold special next week. The hot one will be a Coco Crisp Treat, with vanilla, chocolate and toasted marshmallows. For the cold one, we will have a Tropical Dream Italian Soda. Oh and don't forget, you can make the whole office happy by spending $15 and grabbing some coffe by the box, for everyone to enjoy.

Inventory is done for the Corner Store. We are doing price checks, working on schedules, and planning new menu items for fall.

Concessions and food truck are busy cleaning and organizing after a very intense semester. Golf Course Restaurant is up and open to the public. We've got great food and a great patio.

Catering slows down again next week with a total of 9 events. On Monday we have the Retirees Luncheon in the Ballroom. The IM/SURE Mentor/Intern Luncheon is on Tuesday. Wednesday evening we have a Harry Potter themed High School Graduation Party in the Canyon Club. Thursday is the Mansfield Center’s follow-up for their conference and the Footwedge Classic at the Golf Course to finish out the week. Have a super Weekend!

We are making 250 Crème Brule’s for a retirement luncheon on Monday. There are 2 orientations this month; welcome students! We are also organizing and cleaning, gearing up for bulk prep of cookies and muffins. Look for new cookies in the Food Court and coffee operations!