What's Buggin' Ya Newsletter | Page 4

How do I protect MYSELF from mosquitoes?

There is not cure for Zika, West Nile, Chikungunya or Dengue, so the only thing you are do to protect yourself is to not get bit! Easier said than done, but definitely possible. In 2012, when West Nile broke out, many (if not most) of the cases of individuals who aquired West Nile indicated they had never used insect repellent. Repellents work, use them!

Drain Standing Water. Take a look around your home and dump anything that holds water. If you can't dump it, use a mosquito dunk (safe to use around animals, birds, and in fish ponds). The species of mosquito that vectors Zika is the mosquito we breed in our backyards! This is something we can actually reduce ourselves!

Dress in long sleeves and pants. Not always easy to do in the hot summer, but the more skin you show, the tastier you look to a mosquito.

Stay indoors. If your neighbor is breeding mosquitoes, avoid being outdoors when they are active. Simple to say, not always so easy to do.

Defend Yourself with Repellent. There are many options out there, but the three that are labeled by the EPA as a repellent AND recommended by the CDC for their ability to provide long lasting repellency against disease transmitting mosquitoes are DEET, Picaridin, and Lemon of Oil Eucalyptus. There are many home remedies, but these have not been scientifically proven to actually repel mosquitoes. Most are snake oil and have absolutely NO repellency.

DEET, Picaridin and Lemon of OIl Eucalyptus are all safe to use on human skin. Check the concentration of the product you are using and read the label carefully before applying to young children and babies.

It is also important to remember that you do need to reapply, so read that label!

Get Your Backyard Free of Mosquitoes. We can all do our part!