What's Buggin' Ya Newsletter | Page 3

As of March 16th, 2016, no cases have been contracted locally - meaning that no one has acquired Zika through an infected mosquito in the U.S. 258 cases have been aquired through travel to areas in Mexico, Central and South America and the Carribbean. If you plan to travel to those locations, you should take proper precautions and use mosquito repellent.


Most people who have Zika will not realize it. This makes the disease tricky, because a person can feel fine, but actually be contributing to the increase of the disease in human and mosquito populations. The majority of people will experienec a fever, rash, joint and muscle pain, headache and/or red eyes. These symptoms can last days to weeks.

Death from Zika is extremely rare and most people will not even require a trip to the hospital.

If you start experiencing illness after travelling to areas where Zika is found, you should visit your doctor.

Things we don't know about Zika is its actual contribution to the link in babies born with microcephaly, althought this seems to be liminted to Brazil. Since we don't know the exact answer to Zika's role, but there is accumulating cases, if you are pregnant, be sure to use mosquito repellent.

You may have also heard a coorelation with Zika and Gullain Barre Syndrome, an autoimmure disorder that can cause paralysis. This disorder isn't found in every single Zika case and is also caused by a number of other viruses as well as food poisoning.

There is no cure or vaccine for Zika, so avoiding mosquitoes is the best solution. Turn the page for more info on how to protect yourself.

What Happens if I get Zika?