What You Need To Know University Air Squadrons | Page 12



to join us ? Thought so . To make sure we ’ ve covered all the basics , here ’ s a guide to the most commonly asked questions about life in the UAS .
If you think you ’ ve got what it takes to be an officer in the RAF , we could sponsor you through university . Competition can be stiff so you ’ ll need to demonstrate a real commitment to your studies and a potential future in the RAF .
RAF Sponsored Undergraduates are awarded a bursary to help support them through their studies . Medical students can also apply for a University Cadetship , which covers the cost of your final two years and includes your tuition fees , as well as book allowances and a ‘ salary ’ to support you during your studies .
Following university , Cadets spend three terms of ten weeks at the RAF College Cranwell , completing the Initial Officer Training course . From here you ’ ll move on to your specialist training .
I ’ M SOLD ! HOW DO I JOIN UP ? Start by checking that your university is affiliated to a UAS ( there ’ s a guide on page 12 ). If it ’ s listed , then the chances are the team will be at your freshers ’ fair . You must also be a full-time registered student . Alternatively , you can contact the Officer Commanding to find out more .
HOW ARE MEMBERS SELECTED ? If you ’ re an RAF Sponsored Undergraduate , you ’ ll probably have attended a selection process at the Officers and Aircrew Selection Centre . You ’ ll automatically become a member of your local UAS so we can support you fully in your academic and personal development .
To join as an RAFVR , you ’ ll have an interview with your local Officer Commanding . You ’ ll be expected to demonstrate officer potential , an interest in all things UAS , and qualities such as determination , enthusiasm and confidence .
WHAT ARE MY OBLIGATIONS ? You ’ ll usually be expected to attend one training night a week during term time as well as a two-week summer camp each year . You ’ ll also have the opportunity to do ten hours of flying each year ( although many members do more ). You ’ ll need to keep fit , as every member must take and pass the RAF fitness test at regular intervals .
IS THERE AN AGE LIMIT ? UAS members must be at least 18 years old . If you ’ re interested in joining the RAF as a future Pilot , remember that the maximum age limit for starting flying training is 26 .
ARE THERE NATIONALITY REQUIREMENTS ? All applicants must have British , Commonwealth , British protected , Republic of Ireland or dual nationality ( British and other ) citizenship . If you ’ re not sure that you fall into one of these categories , you should contact your local UAS for clarification .
ANY OTHER REQUIREMENTS ? All commonwealth must have 5 years residency , all others require 3 years . If in doubt you should contact your local UAS .
DOES JOINING A UAS MEAN THAT I HAVE TO JOIN THE RAF ? No . Only RAF Sponsored Undergraduates are obliged to join the RAF after university . However , the majority of our RAFVR members look into joining within their first two years , and many go on to successful RAF careers .
WILL I HAVE TO PAY FOR MY UNIFORM OR EQUIPMENT ? No . Your UAS uniform will be issued free of charge by the RAF . In addition , all training equipment for sports and adventurous training is provided too !
AND I ’ LL REALLY GET PAID FOR ATTENDING ? Yes . All UAS members receive attendance pay and an annual training bounty . You ’ ll also be able to claim your travelling costs for attending training . What ’ s more , the majority of adventurous training and sports costs will also be picked up by your UAS .