The wind halted and the lack of resistance pulled her forward. Her arms buckled under the weight and she fell…
Her breath fluctuated as she looked upon the face before her. Slowly tilting her head up to glimpse at the appearance, a face greeted her. The face she sees in the mirror every day. Ghostly features stared back at her with sunken eyes. The prominent lack of her trademark ebony hair taunted her. Reactively, her hand traveled to her own head. Skin collided with skin. A gasp suffocated in her throat as those unnerving grey eyes gaped back.
Her own grey eyes. She never realized how unsettling the color was until they gazed into her own. Grey. They held the blank stare of lethargy that chilled her throughout her body. An involuntary shiver consumed her. The icy stare held onto her own as paralysis engulfed her stature. Numbing waves trickled through her veins until speckled darkness outlined her vision. The darkness flooded her sight until all she could see was the faint silvery flash of its, no, her eyes. And then...it was gone. Everything melted under the mask of the shadows.
The grey that once clouded her vision was gone. There's no longer a soul in sight. No longer a single soul to be felt. No blinding lights. No glamorous reunions. No stairs or gilded gate.
Just loneliness one second and darkness the next.
Scientists have discovered that the brain stays awake for seven minutes after death. This is often what people explain as their “life flashing before their eyes.” This common expression is generally used to recount the phenomenon of “flashbacks” where one may experience a complete remembrance of their life in chronological order. It’s really all just a hallucination caused by the process of the brain shutting down.
Just One. Big. Hallucination.