started to tremble as she looked down at the yellowing pages once more. The book was gone. Her head shot down in dejection as one hand scoured the ground below, looking for one hopeful sign that her only solace had not abandoned her as well. Complete hopelessness converted into tears that trickled down her face. Incoherent mumbles spilled out of her mouth as she tried to choke back the sobs escaping her throat.
A noise in the distance caught her attention. She looked for the culprit of such disruption. Her fingers grasped the dirt as she fought the wind to stand. The whistle of the air swamped her senses. The field wasn’t quiet anymore.
The wind hurt her ears.
The smell of chemicals scorched her nose, making it harder...
The faint taste of rusted metal poisoned her mouth.
Ghosted fingers brushed her body as she struggled for balance on her feet, causing her to thrash her head to her left.
A white object jutted out from the ground merely several yards away.
A body--the curious object took shape of a still body laying in the blades of grass. The form became clearer as she closed in. Details became noticeable, as the white once plastered on its skin became the shape of a gown-like object. She started to battle the harsh wind to reach the figure one step at a time. It was taking too long. The body called to her, longing for a savior. Desperation overtook her as she broke into a sprint. She needed to reach the form. The conscience in her head wanted her to reach the body; she obediently agreed. This internal voice seemed convinced that her life depended on this very moment. Her feet moved faster in compliance.
As the spike of adrenaline left her own body, sluggish movements overtook her. The frame laid just a mere ten feet away.
She could see the outline of the baggy white robe the form wore. The thin fabric draped over the body in stiff folds. A simple pattern scattered over the light cloth. Draw strings seemed to snake out the back of the body’s gown-like clothing. Her eyes flashed over the collarless garment as they traveled up the figure’s neck. Her squinted with effort to identify the face.
Exhaustion knocked her on her knees, and her clammy hands fisted the ground. The body remained an arm's distance away but not forgotten.