4 / 14 / 23 , 9:45 AM What Retailers Need to Know About the Metaverse – WWD integrated extended reality ( XR ) into our practice . A notable discovery is that our clients who are engaging IA in virtual environments are asking for bespoke “ Metaverses ,” secure spaces not yet connected to a wider metaverse . The desire for security is the main reason why , and the focus on the client ’ s brands and how they are portrayed is another .” He said that his rm has been “ actively collaborating with clients , like CBRE in Dallas , to develop cutting-edge XR workplace environments .”
The research highlights four modes to experience extended reality — headsets ; monitors ; the computer assisted virtual environment or “ CAVE ,” which is a room for virtual reality that can be shared by a group of people , and powerwalls , which are large 3D displays of products . Asked to cite some examples of retailers offering these XR experiences , IA executives pointed to Ikea and its proprietary app called The Place for augmented reality via the iPhone and iPad ; Lucid Automotive , which provides virtual reality headsets in its stores with seating mockups , and Canada Goose , with its interactive boot t , 3D apparel displays , monitors and powerwalls .
In its research , IA characterized CAVE-based rooms as the greatest opportunity for stores to extend merchandise offerings . The virtual reality environment consists of a cube-shaped room where the walls , oors and ceilings are projection screens and participants wear VR headsets and interact through input devices such as wands , joysticks or data gloves .
IA concluded that the top barriers to XR purchases in stores and online are :
Concerns about security of personal information . Lack of access to and / or expense of technology . Not having the right product or service . Inability to touch , feel , test or try products . Not easy or secure to pay .
The top motivators to make an XR purchase include :
In-store personnel to guide you through XR . Easier , more secure payment methods . Ability to shop in XR with friends , family or groups . Accommodations for physical or visual impairments
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