What Nutrition You Need Before A Workout Session 1 | Page 3

Slow digesting carbohydrates are important but then they should be complemented by fast digesting carbohydrates . Fruits serve as the best fast digesting carbohydrates ; especially oranges . These fiber rich fruits are really good for pre-workout intake . Oranges have Vitamin C which provides energy during workout . The second best alternative to oranges is apples . For individuals who focus more on weight training ; bananas are also recommended .
It is vital to have protein intake before you start your workout routine because it is actually the building block of muscles . Your body needs amino acids which are delivered through the intake of protein sources , for example turkey , egg and chicken . Also whey protein shake is also a good source to ensure proper protein intake for your body .
Supplements The pre-workout nutrition is divided into two , where the first part is combination of fruits , slow digesting carbohydrates and protein sources . The second part of the nutrition comprises of the scientifically formulated supplements , especially the ones formulated for pre-workouts . You just have to get a supplement that is readily absorbed by the body . Your supplements should have the vital ingredients as Arginine and caffeine .