What makes a great principal? 1 | Page 3

For example , most schools today have very limited budgets , making it difficult to pay for innovative new programs . When Margaret Chiu , principal of Galileo High School , finds a new program she thinks will benefit her students , she doesn ’ t waste time lamenting the lack of funding . She gets busy . She immediately begins thinking of who in the community she can ask to help support and pay for the program . She has created partnerships with businesses , local colleges , and health care professionals that help enrich her school ’ s curriculum .
Whatever challenges they face , great principals don ’ t make excuses for why their schools can ’ t succeed . Instead they make it their top priority to figure out how their schools can excel , and do everything they can to make that happen .

Great principals lead teaching and learning at their schools

Principals at successful schools understand the strengths and needs of their students and they know what is happening in the classrooms at their schools . These principals play an active role in planning and supporting instruction that is appropriate for their students , and they ensure that school time and resources are focused on student achievement .
Questions to ask at your school
1 . Ask your principal : What are our school ’ s main academic goals ? 2 . Ask your prinicipal : What steps are being taken to achieve those goals ?
3 . Look up your school ’ s achievement data on GreatSchools . org and ask your principal : How is the school addressing weaknesses or gaps in student achievement ?
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