Then , embrace your failures . That ’ s right . Enjoy them while they last . They are markers of progress on the road to your destined success . An artist faces more rejection in a day than most people will face in their lifetime - I don ’ t need to tell you that . I ’ m just saying , rejoice in those failures and rejections . Because , when you spend years upon decades gorging humble-pie and chowing down shit-sandwiches , something miraculous happens ; something magical for those of us who are in it for the long stretch . You develop this impenetrable membrane called Rhino Hide . Titanium and Teflon based , diamond glazed Rhino Hide . And while this Rhino Hide is growing , something else is happening . The Ego . The Id . The I-Ching . Pride . Self esteem . Is dying . Great ! Who needs that surplus baggage anyway ? It ’ ll only weigh down your talent and writing . And once your new hard-won Rhino Hide is fully rendered , you will stop giving a shit about what people think of you and your work , and in that moment you will find yourself … liberated . Free . Happy . Next thing you know , you take another big ol ’ bite of humble pie , and another slice of that shit sandwich , and hell , it don ’ t taste too bad after all .
So … liberate yourself . Fuck ‘ em . Fuck ‘ em all . You ’ re a goddamn artiste , goddammit ! Fuck what the li ’ l common people think . They just don ’ t get it . And , whatever you do , WHATEVER you do , avoid at all cost a regular 9-5 job . Do NOT succumb to pressure from peers , friends and family to abandon your dreams and go out there and get a real job . You ’ re a writer / artist , you don ’ t have time for that shit . Leave that to the li ’ l lemmings . Stay strong . Because , you will be amazed at how the fear and desperation will grip you when you ’ re at your lowest ebb . Broke . With no prospects . And a serious case of writer ’ s block . You will find yourself panicked , and speedreading the classifieds , scrambling for a job , ANY job . If you find yourself doing that , STOP ! Take a deep breath . Look at yourself in the mirror . And repeat after me . I am an ARTIST . I am NOT unemployed . I am a writer / director / filmmaker / whatever … between projects . That ’ s all .
16 | WGSA MAG July 2013
An artist faces more rejection in a day , than most people will face in their lifetime
Sure , you do need to find some kind of income to sustain you . So … get a part-time job waiting tables . It ’ s good quick cash and leaves you with lots of spare time to write . And the humbling experience will be good for you and your work . Stop feeling guilty that you ’ re not out there with the rest of the lemmings , working a real job . Don ’ t know if you noticed , but that system the little lemmings have been worshipping and feeding all their wasted lives - Capitalism - is failing . The fiscal institutions are crumbling . It ’ s all comin ’ on down like the walls of Jericho . And soon those little lemmings on the treadmill are going to find themselves … treading air . No more support structures . It ’ s already happening in Greece , Ireland , Portugal and Italy , to name a few . Even that long-worshipped guaranteed Valhalla to success , Education , has turned up fruitless … when we got oodles of Law grads and qualified Doctors that can ’ t get jobs .
So , if you wake up one morning and find you suddenly have all these nay-sayers around you , telling you to pack it in and get a real job , tell them to go fuck themselves . If they don ’ t like it and if they kick you out of their spare room , or off their couch , roll up your sleeping bag , pack your knapsack , and hit the fkn road . Don ’ t be afraid . The road is your destiny . The road is life . Life is travel . TONS of new , exciting experiences and material to be found on the road . Just ask Kerouac . You need money ? Go knock on any door . Tell them you ’ re a struggling writer working as ( South Africa ’ s only white ) domestic worker / gardener - prepared to work for less than minimum wage . If they ask how much , you say , “ Whatever you can afford .” Then you sniff and look at your shuffling shoes . And I guarantee they ’ ll pay you more than minimum wage .
If you get hungry ? Can ’ t find work ? Beg . Make a sign that says something about where you ’ re at ; “ Starving Artist ”, “ Struggling Writer ”, or ( in my case ) “ Poor M ’ lungu Filmmaker .” Then go and stand at the exit to any KFC , and hold your sign up and your hand out . Watch them read it , chuckle , and take pity on you . And you ’ ll be