To successfully colonize a surface , mold requires a combination of oxygen , adequate temperature , a food source ( your wood pallets ), and free or liquid water . The most common approach to controlling mold is to limit wood moisture . Experts recommend that the moisture content of wood be kept below 19 % for best results .
One common misconception is that the ISPM 15 heat treatment of pallets will prevent mold . The application of heat treatment is ( a minimum of 30 minutes at a core temperature of 56 degrees Celsius ) is designed to kill insects living in the treated wood . The intention is to prevent the inadvertent transport of wood pests internationally , where they could attack forests in other countries . In fact , heat treatment can make matters worse by drawing moisture and sugars to the wood surface . Once removed from the heat chamber , a convenient surface environment has been created for mold spores to colonize .
Product manufacturers , distributors , and retailers in hygiene-sensitive supply chains are becoming increasingly sensitive to the problem of mold . The presence of mold not only presents a food safety and quality risk but is also a concern from an occupational health and safety standpoint . Pharmaceutical and food supply chains are particularly vigilant in preventing exposure , and the presence of mold has resulted in health and safety complaints by employees in a variety of settings .
Basic steps to limit pallet mold
Basic steps for limiting pallet mold start with keeping them dry . Here are some best recommended best practices :
Make sure that mold is actually the issueThe discoloration you see in your wood pallets might not be mold . Bluestain creates a bluish or greyish discoloration in wood but is not associated with human health concerns or pallet performance issues . According to an NWPCA brochure , “ Mold grows on the surface and can be brushed off or smeared , whereas blue stain penetrates deep into the wood and cannot be removed .”
1 Keep pallets out of the rain
Even a short exposure to water can be problematic . Such a brief occurrence can be enough for a fungus to start germinating , grow into the wood and produce spores on the surface . By then the wood might be dry , but mold will already be present .
2 Elevate stacked pallets off the ground
By using an elevated surface , you can prevent water from wicking up from any puddles on the floor surface or ground .