Pallet Mold Season is Coming : Prepare to Protect
When it comes to airborne mold spores , what we can ’ t see definitely can hurt us . Unfortunately , when the weather gets warm in spring and conditions are right , those spores can quickly colonize surfaces . In days , mold can spread from idle lumber or a pallet to contaminate materials and equipment . As a result , employee health and safety , as well as sensitive products , can be compromised .
What is pallet mold and why does it matter ?
A mold is a fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae . There are more than 100,000 mold species , which play an important role in helping to decompose wood and other plant matter . They become problematic , however , when they take root on lumber , pallets , and other unintended surfaces .
Cont ' d on Page 18
MARCH 2021