Western Pallet Magazine June 2024 | Page 28

MLG: Pallet Industry Lead Generation and Prospecting Ideas


The May 2024 Master Learning Group on Lead Generation and Prospecting saw another sold-out session, underscoring the importance of early registration Participants sought fresh insights on how to find new customers. Glenn Meeks, Executive Vice President of the Western Pallet Association, led the session alongside Mike Middleton from Eagle Forest Products and Brint Walker from Acrisure Insurance. The presenters' diverse backgrounds provided a broad perspective of the sales process from different parts of the industry, including pallets, lumber and insurance respectively.

Understanding the Sales Process

Glenn kicked off the webinar by setting the stage for the discussion. He emphasized the importance of mastering the sales process, particularly the stages of lead generation and prospecting. "Everybody here has to sell in some way, shape, or form and find new customers," Glenn goal was to facilitate a discussion where participants could exchange tips and strategies to improve their sales techniques.

One of the key points Meeks highlighted was the creation of an ideal customer profile. "What you want to do is identify that list overall for yourself and for your services or your products," he explained. By segmenting this list into tiers based on how well potential customers meet the criteria, salespeople can prioritize their efforts more effectively. This structured approach streamlines the sales process and shortens the sales cycle by focusing on high-potential leads.

The Power of Buyer Personas

Building on the concept of the ideal customer profile, Glenn introduced the idea of developing buyer personas. This involves gathering detailed information about potential customers to effectively tailor sales

them," Meeks advised. This research helps create relevant and engaging conversations with prospects, increasing the likelihood of a successful sale.

Meeks also discussed using lead magnets—downloadable documents or other takeaways that provide value to potential customers. These tools create an entry point for initiating contact and capturing lead information. "Developing what we would call lead magnets...is nothing more than maybe some type of document or something that is downloadable," he noted. Such materials can range from product specification sheets to buyers' guides tailored to address the specific needs and interests of the target audience.

Prospect or Lead Generation: What's the Difference?

A sales prospect is an individual or organization that has been identified as a potential customer who has demonstrated interest in your product or service and meets certain criteria indicating they are likely to make a purchase. Prospects are typically further along in the sales funnel and have shown some level of engagement or need for what you are offering.

Lead generation, on the other hand, is the process of attracting and capturing interest from potential customers (leads) at the top of the sales funnel. This involves gathering information about individuals or organizations who may be interested in your product or service through various marketing activities like content marketing, advertising, and outreach campaigns.

In summary:

Lead Generation: The process of attracting and collecting information from potential customers.

Sales Prospect: A qualified lead who has shown interest and fits the criteria for being a potential buyer.