Western Pallet Magazine June 2024 | Page 27

June 2024

For example, simulate an accident involving a pedestrian struck by a lift truck. Your response procedures would include the operator stopping the truck and attending to the victim, communication with first aid and management, and stopping work in the immediate area to prevent secondary accidents. If an ambulance is required, spotters may be required at various points on the property to direct emergency vehicles to the accident scene.

After the simulation, take time to fully review the exercise to celebrate successes and identify opportunities for improvement.

7 Celebrate with Food

Hosting a free lunch for employees can be an effective strategy for promoting forklift safety in a plant setting. Such events create a relaxed and engaging environment where employees can interact more openly with safety trainers and management.

The informal setting of a shared meal can also facilitate interactive sessions like safety quizzes and demonstrations (see some of the points above), making learning about forklift safety more memorable and impactful. By incorporating these activities into the lunch, employees can engage in meaningful discussions and better understand the importance of safe forklift practices.

Wood packaging and pallet companies can significantly enhance their safety culture by participating in National Safety Month and National Forklift Safety Day. Through practical activities and events, they can effectively raise forklift safety awareness, reduce accidents, and foster a safer working environment. These efforts not only benefit the employees but also contribute to the overall success and reputation of the company. WPM

Lift your standards by lowering your load is an example of forklift safety messaging linked to National Safety Month and National Forklift Safety Day.