Hippodrome Square is in the centre of Thessaloniki . In the Roman and Byzantine period the Hippodrome was there .
The Hippodrome was built by the Roman Emperor Galerius , along with other buildings . Horse races (“ hippos ”= horse ) often took place and the people of Thessaloniki went there to see the emperor . In 390 C . E ., at byzantine Emperor Theodosius ’ command , 7.000 citizens of Thessaloniki were slaughtered in the Hippodrome . It continued to be used until the 7 th century C . E . Today , there is almost nothing left on site .
For more , check the websites : http :// www . voria . gr / article / etsi-itan-to-kentro-tis-thessalonikis-ti-romaiki-epochifoto
http :// www . dailymotion . com / video / x3qmj9c _% CE % B1 % CF % 81 % CF % 87 % CE % B1 % CE % AF % CE % B1- % CE % B8 % CE % B5 % CF % 83 % CF % 83 % CE % B1 % CE % BB % CE % BF % CE % BD % CE % AF % CE % B A % CE % B7-3d- % CE % B1 % CE % BD % CE % B1 % CF % 80 % CE % B1 % CF % 81 % CE % AC % CF % 83 % CF % 84 % CE % B 1 % CF % 83 % CE % B7-by-vladimiros-nefidis _ school