Weight Loss Weight Loss Report with Tips | Page 9

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Step 1 : State the Goal
Your goal is not only to lose weight . You need to make it very specific .
And don ’ t say something you ’ re not sure about … Not “ I kind of want to lose weight .” A goal has to be black or white , not in between .
Clearly state your goal as if it ’ s already completed . If you want to lose 30 pounds , write : � I have lost 30 pounds .
Try writing down your goals in this way once and see how it makes you feel . Getting things out of your head and onto paper can be a great first start .
Step 2 : Set a Deadline
A lack of a deadline can make you put off your goal .
Add a deadline to your goal to enhance the clarity even further . This can be a particular date , a month , a year , or even a lifetime goal . For example :
� I have lost 30 pounds by July 1st , 2016 .
Even if you aren ’ t able to achieve it by the date , you can change the date later , but there ’ s something about listing the hopeful completion time that will kick your subconscious into high gear .
* The contents on this EBook are for informational purposes only , and are not intended to provide any medical advice , diagnosis , or treatment . Always seek the advice of your health provider regarding your unique needs and medical condition . ** Julio Diaz is a Independent Team Beachbody Coach .