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By pointing out the things that are in the way of a goal , we can figure out ways to overcome them .
It ’ s not about the path of least resistance ; this is where the work comes into play .
We have goals because they are worthwhile , not because they ’ re easy .
Jim Rohn has a great explanation about going through obstacles in life :
Step 3 : Identify the Obstacles
Say you ’ re in an empty football stadium . You have a ball and you tuck it under your arm and cross the goal line . Should you feel good about yourself ? Did you just score a touchdown ?
No , of course not . There was no resistance , no other team , no fans for either side cheering or booing you . All you did was walk with a ball on a field . Now , add in the game and the packed stadium of fans .
If you cross the goal line with the ball , you have scored a touchdown and you will be cheered and congratulated by your team and fans . This is because you ’ ve actually accomplished something . You achieved a goal despite the obstacles against you . You did something that was worth it .
If you really want to achieve a goal , you ’ re going to have obstacles against you .
There ’ s no miracle weight loss pill here . If there was a magic weight loss pill , over 60 % of Americans wouldn ’ t be overweight .
Life in general is tough … But at the end , reaching a goal is very much worth the effort you put in .
* The contents on this EBook are for informational purposes only , and are not intended to provide any medical advice , diagnosis , or treatment . Always seek the advice of your health provider regarding your unique needs and medical condition . ** Julio Diaz is a Independent Team Beachbody Coach .