Weight Loss Weight Loss Report with Tips | Page 4

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Hello Weight Loss Seeker , I believe I share what you ’ re going through when it comes to being overweight .
I was a heavy kid for much of my life . I loved to eat and was given whatever I wanted . I never thought much of it until I went to middle school .
In middle school , I really wanted to lose weight , so I restricted what I ate and started running every day . Luckily , I was young and weight loss was easy with the help of a growth spurt …
This was back in the late 90s and for a long while I kept the weight off until I went to college in 2003 .
I entered college weighing about 155 pounds and by the time I got out I was about 200 pounds !
In 4 short years I gained 45 pounds … I didn ’ t exercise , ate all I could , and never realized how big I had gotten .
Yes , I had a belly … Was wearing XXL shirts and 38 inch pants but it never hit me that I was big . At the time I had a girlfriend and things were going great .
By 2009 , however , things turned around ….
� I now weighed around 210 pounds , the biggest I ’ ve ever been . � My intimate life with my girlfriend went down to nothing . � My self esteem started to decrease and depression loomed around the corner . � I started wearing the same few pants and shirts because that ’ s all that fit . � On two separate occasions my Doctor told me to lose weight .
In short , I was not the fit guy I was in high school .
The greatest and worst thing to happen to me was when my girlfriend and I separated . That hit me hard because up until that point , my life centered around her . When we separated , I was left looking at myself and acknowledging what I had become … a unhealthy 210 pound blob …
* The contents on this EBook are for informational purposes only , and are not intended to provide any medical advice , diagnosis , or treatment . Always seek the advice of your health provider regarding your unique needs and medical condition . ** Julio Diaz is a Independent Team Beachbody Coach .