Weight Loss Weight Loss Report with Tips | Page 16

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Most importantly , if you ’ re living with other people , you ’ re going to have to include them into your new eating habits . You ’ re going to have to talk to your husband , wife , kids , and whoever else so that they can not only support you but so that they can be included in living healthier lives . This is Step 4 of Setting Clear AND Specific Goals .
Notes on Diet & Fitness Programs
What is the perfect diet to be on ?... In a article titled : “ Fitness Experts Expose Diets That Work ”, Registered Dietitians , experts with a Masters of Science in Nutrition , Certified Personal Trainers , and several other experts in the weight loss field answered which is the perfect diet for weight loss … Guess what the answer was …
None … The vast majority of these weight loss experts stated that there is no magical weight loss diet that guarantees amazing weight loss results . In fact , many main stream diets may help with initial weight loss but will then lead to weight regain once you stop following the diet …
The best weight loss diet is therefore a lifestyle change … Pick a “ diet ” or style of eating that YOU can live with and do long after you stop trying to lose weight .
Therefore , pick a weight loss system or style of eating that will teach you to eat healthier so that you can continue to know what works best for your body long after you lost the weight that you want !
Note on Supplements :
We need to remember that supplements are just that . They ’ re there to fill in the nutritional gaps that happen when we don ’ t get enough vitamins , minerals , and other key nutrients our bodies need .
Something I would be careful with are pill supplements because some multivitamin supplements have been found not to dissolve in the stomach and therefore give you zero benefits .
Also be careful with the type of protein shakes , meal replacement shakes , or other health shakes you place in your body .
Some shakes on the market are filled with chemicals that will cause more harm than good . Be very careful with anything that claims to be “ Natural ”. The Food and Drug
* The contents on this EBook are for informational purposes only , and are not intended to provide any medical advice , diagnosis , or treatment . Always seek the advice of your health provider regarding your unique needs and medical condition . ** Julio Diaz is a Independent Team Beachbody Coach .