Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 9


Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed 9 by Brad Callen
Several ways to increase your metabolism include :
1 .) Eating more and eat more often
By “ eating more ” I donʼt mean to shovel in more food at one sitting . I mean to eat smaller meals throughout the day , five to six meals .
This equates to a meal every 2 _ to three hours . Each of these feedings should consist of 30 percent carbohydrates , 60 percent protein and 10 percent fat . The combination of small balanced , frequent meals allows your body to utilize the nutrients it needs when it needs them .
Because our bodies are made for survival it begins to hoard fat if it feels like it wonʼt get food for a long time . Basically , if you starve your body it will go into starvation mode . Our bodies are made to first use the nutrients in the food we eat for energy .
When the nutrients run out , the body resorts to energy from the muscles ( you will lose lean muscle mass . You donʼt want this ), then finally your body resorts to the bodies fat supply . This is why fad diets never work .
I will cover more on fad diets later on . Also , these smaller , more frequent meals stimulate your metabolic rate as your bodyʼs digestive system works and you maintain a stable glucose level . This will give you more energy , prevent hunger pains and keep you from bingeing .
2 .) Work out intensely with weights
High intensity weight training is an excellent way to increase your metabolism . Lifting weights places a high demand on your body to burn more calories for faster growth and recuperation . Your muscle mass is the single most important factor in determining how many calories you burn because itʼs a very metabolically active tissue . The more muscle you have , the more calories you burn - even at rest .
3 .) Aerobic exercise
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You should perform some type of cardiovascular exercise at least 3 times per week and youʼll not only burn calories , but also speed up your metabolism . Always keep this in mind while doing your cardiovascular exercise .
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