Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 10


10 Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed by Brad Callen
What is Target Heart Rate ? ( THR )
To get the maximum benefit you your heart must beat at a certain rate per minute . This is called Target Heart rate or THR .
You can measure your heart rate by taking your pulse , or with some type of heart rate monitor which you can find at most sport and fitness stores . Your target heart rate is between 60 and 80 percent of your maximum heart rate . Here is how to calculate your target heart rate :
1 . Take 220 – Age in years ; This will give you your maximum heart rate ( MHR )
2 . Multiply your MHR by . 6 ( MHR x . 6 = the lower end of your target heart rate )
3 . Multiply your MHR by . 8 ( MHR x . 8 = the upper end of your target heart rate )
For example : for a 32 year old person : 1 . 220 – 32 = 188 . 188 is my MHR
2 . 188 x . 6 = 112.8 is my lower end
3 . 188 x . 8 = 150.4 is my upper end
In this example my target heart rate would be anywhere from 112.8 beats per minute to 150.4 beats per minute .
Important : In order to get the most out of your exercise you should maintain your target heart rate for at least 20 minutes .
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