Breakfast Loaf
48 Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed by Brad Callen
P / C / F Ratio : 45 / 49 / 4
Apple Pie Shake
P / C / F Ratio : 33 / 57 / 10
Grab-n-Go Breakfast Loaf . Make the night before when you KNOW you are going to be pressed for time in the morning
1 Servings
• 1 / 3 c . Oats , bran , dry
• 1 / 3 c . Milk , nonfat / skim ,
• 1 / 8 tsp . Baking Soda
• 1 tsp . Flavor , vanilla ,
• 2 tsp . Sweetener , Splenda
• 4 Egg Whites , raw
• 1 scoop Protein , supplement , ea
• 1 / 2 c . Applesauce , unswtnd
Preparation Instructions
Mix all ingredients together and bake at 350 degrees for a half hour . Make the night before , and itʼs great on the go !
Nutrition Information
Per Serving
Calories : |
448 |
Protein : |
59 grams |
Total Carbs : |
65 grams |
Sugar : |
35 grams |
Fat : |
2.5 grams |
Fun Facts One thing to note about this recipe is that a quality protein supplement powder can and should be used as one of your basic ingredients when developing recipes .
Protein and carb shake for those deep in the conditioning phase - drink your oatmeal and your protein on the way to work ! This is also perfect right after lifting weights , for muscle recovery .
1 Servings
• 1.5 oz PrimoMax , Vanilla
• . 5 c applesauce , unsweetened
• 1oz dry oats
• 1.5 c light soymilk
• cinnamon , nutmeg to taste
Preparation Instructions
Throw it all in the blender . Give it a good whirl .
Nutrition Information
Per Serving
Calories : |
484 |
Protein : |
39 grams |
Total Carbs : |
69 grams |
Sugar : |
15 grams |
Fat : |
5.4 grams |
Fun Facts Oatmeal is a wonderful fiber source as well as being a low-glycemic carb .
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