Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 27

Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed 27 by Brad Callen
stomach , or underneath the arms . It differs for each individual person .


morning running is the last thing anyone wants to do .
To give you an example , Say “ Jane ” ate a medium sized meal including a ham sandwich , some potato chips , applesauce and a glass of milk . 10 minutes later Jane decided to go for 25 minute jog . As Janeʼs jogging , her body is constantly searching for sources of energy , grabbing all of it from the food she just ate for lunch , not burning any fat whatsoever .
After about 20 minutes all of the nutrients from the food have been depleted and her body finally begins burning the stored fat around her hips . The last 5 minutes go by and Jane is finished jogging . Although sheʼs very tired and feels as though sheʼs had a great workout and has burned off a lot of fat , she in essence , only burned off 5 minutes worth of fat because her stomach was full of food before she ran .
If Jane had gone jogging first thing in the morning when her bodyʼs food supply was at an all time low she would have been burning fat from minute 1 and thus would have burned off 400 times more than she had if she would have eaten before jogging .
Make sense ? Itʼs the little things that so many people donʼt know . Itʼs not the idea that is hard , but we think , “ I finished eating ; wow I have so much more energy . I really feel like jogging a little bit .” Whereas , in the
Now , Iʼm not telling you that performing aerobic activity in the morning is a must , but I am saying that you should never perform aerobic activity within 1 hour of a meal if you plan to optimize your weight loss .
As you know running obviously targets the lower body . The main areas you will notice a loss of weight include the quadriceps ( front of your upper leg ), the hamstrings ( area of your leg directly beneath your buttocks ), hip flexors ( the area where your leg attaches to your hip ), and the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles ( your calves ). These tend to be the areas most women want to lose weight first .
I definitely recommend this as an excellent way to burn fat from the places we all want to burn fat the most .
Stair Climber
Another excellent way of burning fat from the same areas , plus working the calves is stair climbing .
The main thing you need to remember with stair climbing is that you will need to really push yourself to elevate your target heart rate for over 20 minutes . If you are serious
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