Weight Loss Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed | Page 23


Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed 23 by Brad Callen

Harmful Weight Loss Supplements

The first avenue I would like to delve into is that of weight loss supplements . By weight loss supplements I do not mean , and I repeat , I do not mean fat burners . They work , but can be as bad for you as taking illegal drugs .
The idea behind fat burners is that most of them contain amphetamine ( ephedra ) or active ingredients which theoretically raise metabolism and help the body burn fat . Ephedrine alkaloids are amphetamine-like compounds used in OTC and prescription drugs with potentially lethal stimulant effects on the central nervous system and heart .
What they do is stimulate your body to elevate your heart rate . This creates an effect that will cause your body to burn more calories to keep your heart rate elevated , thus losing weight . Using fat burners has been clinically proven time and time again to cause unpleasant and in some circumstances even death !
Stay away from them . Statistics show that Over 800 injuries have been reported by users and doctors to the FDA and various state medical bodies , including more than 50 deaths . Most of these cases involve the heart attacks or high blood pressure leading to bleeding in the brain or stroke . Possible adverse effects of ephedrine range from :
• heart attack
• stroke
• seizures
• psychosis
• death
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... to clinically less significant effects that may indicate the potential for more serious effects . For example :
• dizziness
• headache
• gastrointestinal distress
• irregular heartbeat
• heart palpitations
Ingredient panels on these products may list things such as ma huang , Chinese ephedra , ma huang extract , ephedra , ephedra sinica , ephedra extract , ephedra herb powder , or epitonin , all of which indicate a source of ephedrine .
With this said , why would anyone ever want to take such a fat burner ? Youʼve got me … People need to know that just because a product is labeled to be “ Natural ” that it doesnʼt necessarily mean it is safe . Some of the more popular ephedra fat burners you may have tried or are familiar with include :
• Twin Labʼs Ripped Fuel
• Xenadrine
• Stacker 2 and 3
• Muscle Techʼs Hydroxycut
• Pro Labʼs Thermothyrolean Unless the fat burner explicitly says ephedra free then it more than likely contains ephedra .
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