Contents page
News From The Centre 2
4 You and Your Border Collie Book 10 Magazine Survey
Fundraising Corner
12 A Brief Snapshot of the BC Character 13 Collie Shop
14 Poem - Dedicated to Rescue Collies 20 Steve ’ s Story
21 Letter About Hazel from 2004 23 Dogs and Bereavement
25 Border Collie Support Scheme 27
We are always pleased to be given the opportunity to speak about our work to groups and clubs .
I am happy to travel throughout the Midlands and although there is no cost involved we would simply ask for consideration of a donation towards the work of Border Collie Trust G . B .
Please contact me on 01889 577058 or email info @ bordercollietrustgb . org . uk .
Ben Wilkes
The 1 st registered charity for dealing exclusively with Border Collies .
THE TRUST When BCT take a dog we make a commitment for life . New keepers may call on us for assistance and dogs can be returned to us at any time . Dogs are not homed if there are any doubts about physical condition or their behaviour and no puppies are homed under 8 weeks of age .
A company limited by guarantee : Company No . 03159703 Reg . Charity No . 1053585 Registered Office : Rescue Centre , Heathway , Narrow Lane , Colton , Nr Rugeley , Staffs , WS15 3LY
Tel : 01889 577058 for help , advice and information , boarding and mail order enquiries .
Border Collie World is published quarterly by Border Collie Trust GB , and is the official newsletter of the trust .
The contents of this publication are copyright and may not be reproduced in full or in part without prior written permission of the publisher . The views expressed are those of the authour or contributor and not necessarily that of the Trust , or editors . The editor is always pleased to receive letters , articles and photographs , but reserves the right to edit all material submitted . Please enclose S . A . E . with any material you wish returned . The publisher will not be held responsible for any material lost . All material for inclusion , and in connection with the magazine should be sent to :
The Editor , Border Collie World , BCT G . B ., Rescue Centre , Heathway , Colton , Nr . Rugeley , Staffs , WS15 3LY .
www . bordercollietrustgb . co . uk
Design and Print by Barking Mad Design 07708 302 835 info @ barkingmaddesign . co . uk www . barkingmaddesign . co . uk
shopping online ? Please use www . giveasyoulive . com / join / bctgb 3