As I started to compile this issue in mid June it really wasn ' t much like summer ! The heating keept coming on , I was still wearing warm clothing and even resorted to an extra blanket on the duvet . But in the best traditions of British weather , before you could say Michael Fish we were baking and being warned about the risk to health ! Whilst the weather doesn ' t play as much havoc with our work as perhaps it does in farming , it still impacts on the outside jobs and certainly walking the dogs in our care can be challenging .
The rise of Artificial Intelligence in our everyday lives is something I ' m sure you are well aware of . I can see lots of dangers from so many aspects but there is no doubt some benefits that can help us all and I ' ve certainly been finding them this year . Initially some great AI generated images were helping our social media posts . Those who follow us will , I ' m sure , have noticed the great work being undertaken by Charlie , our admin collie and some of them have been so realistic that we have had questions asked about if he was looking for a new home . Rest assured , Charlie is very happy in his AI generated life .
Another area I ' ve recently been delving into is the ability of AI to produce text for anything from articles , social media posts to emails . I see its ability to assist very useful but still needs editing to ensure it fits our general messaging and ideals . And on that note I asked ChatGP to provide me a poem about a rescued Border Collie . You can read the poem further in the magazine and I have to admit , I was impressed .
But very much away from AI we were delighted to launch You And Your Border Collie recently . There ' s more news on this later in the magazine but we really do recommend it to anyone thinking of adopting a collie , if you have a collie or just want to try to understand this fascinating breed . It really is a book you should read .
I ' m sure you are also waiting to hear all about the new field , the one we had to buy because of HS2 which of course it then transpired we probably didn ' t need to ( although that ' s open to debate ). In the hope we might have some finalisation of the planning process we have booked fencing work to begin September / October time . Who knew that buying a field and obtaining permission just to walk dogs in it could take so long - two years six months so far .....
Ben Wilkes
Ben Wilkes
2 www . bordercollietrustgb . org . uk